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Original Edition: 39. The Friend

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- 39 - 

What a night!

Everything has become so complicated since Ares came into my life. He's been like a little hurricane, destroying everything in his path. He's had his sweet moments, but those moments are overshadowed by all the times he's screwed up with me. How can he be sweet one second and then be so cold?

I sigh, and my breath is visible coming out of my mouth. It's getting really cold, maybe leaving the bar wasn't my brightest idea, but anything was better than standing there holding it all in. I try to call Dani again, but there's no answer. The tree behind me feels really hard against my back, so I move myself away from it. And then I hear him.


The voice that torments my mind and makes my heart go out of control. Startled, I glance up the street and see Ares walking quickly towards me. Concern is evident on his face, but at this point I don't care. I'd like to say I feel nothing when I saw him, though I don't, he's always looking so fucking hot.

When he reaches me, he wraps me in a tight hug, he smells so good.

"I thought I wouldn't find you."

I stand still without raising my arms to return his embrace. He pulls away from me and takes my face in both hands.

"Are you alright?"

I don't say anything, and I just take his hands off my face. He looks hurt, but he lets me.

"You're very upset, aren't you?"

"No." The coldness in my own voice surprises us both. "I am disappointed."

"I..." He scratches the back of his head, messing up his black hair. "I'm sorry."


He frowns.

"Okay? Raquel, talk to me, I know you have a million things to say."

I shrug my shoulders.

"Not really."

"You're lying, come on, insult me, shout at me, but don't be silent. Your silence is... agonizing."

"What do you want me to say?"

He turns his back to me, holding his head as if he doesn't know what to say. When he turns to me again, his voice is soft.

"I'm really sorry."

A sad smile forms on my mouth.

"That's not enough."

"I know, and I don't pretend it is." He presses his lips. "Just... give me another chance."

My sad smile expands.

"That's what this has become, an endless cycle of opportunities. You hurt me, you apologize and I come back to you like it's nothing."


"Maybe it's my fault for having high expectations when it comes to you."

A grimace of pain crosses his face, I turn around and start to walk away from him. I don't know what I'm doing or where I'm going, but I need to get away from him.

"Raquel," he calls me. "Wait," He grabs my arm, turning me toward him once more. "This is all very new to me, and that's not an excuse, I've never... tried anything serious with anyone before. I don't know what to do, I know it seems obvious to a lot of people, but it's not to me."

I let go of his grip.

"It's common sense, Ares. You have the highest IQ in the county and you can't deduce that it wouldn't be a good idea to take me to a place where there are two girls you've fucked."

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