Wattpad Original

Original Edition: 53. The Support

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The eyes are the mirror of the soul....

Where have I heard that before? It doesn't matter, I just know how true that phrase is, I never imagined I could see so much just by looking into someone's eyes, it's like I'm reading their biography.

Ares doesn't say anything, he just looks at me, the deep blue of his eyes looking so bright with the morning sun reflecting in them. I don't know how long it's been since we woke up, we're lying on our sides, looking into each other's eyes.

His hand rests on the side of my face, his thumb caressing my cheek. I wish I could stop time.

To stay like this forever, without having to face the world or worry about anything else.

I realize that happiness is not a perpetual state, it's just perfect little moments.

Ares closes his eyes, and kisses me on the forehead. When he pulls away, the emotions in his eyes are as clear as water: love, passion. It makes me remember our beginning when I couldn't decipher him at all.

A new emotion settles in the pit of my stomach: fear. When something is so perfect, the dread that something could ruin it can be very aggravating.

The alarm on his cell phone interrupts our moment, Ares moves to grab it from the nightstand and turn off the alarm, and turns to me again.

"We have to go."

"Arg!" I shout. "Remind me why I have to study."

Ares stands up, and stretches.

"Because you want to be a psychologist and help people and for that you need to finish high school."

That makes me smile like a fool.

"Good motivation," I get out of bed too, I just have his shirt on. "I'll let you be my first patient if you promise I'll be yours."

The good mood vanishes into thin air, Ares looks away without responding, and starts walking towards his bathroom. I furrow my eyebrows, but say nothing; the subject of his university studies has become sensitive for the past month. He has to talk to his parents, make a decision on which college to apply to, as the application deadlines for many colleges are passing.

After watching him disappear behind the bathroom door, and listening to the shower, I look for my backpack which is next to a small library that Ares has with books from school. I take advantage of the days when mom is on shift to come and stay with him, so I bring my school bag with clothes so I won't be late for school in the morning.

At first, it was awkward for me, I was embarrassed to be with Ares' parents and his siblings, but as time went on I realized that this house spends more time empty than with people, and when they are home, they tend to be locked in their own worlds or, in this case, rooms.

The one I have interacted with quite a bit has been Claudia. She and I simply have chemistry, we get along very well and, although at first glance she may seem like a cold and closed girl, she is actually very sweet.

These three months have been wonderful. Ares has behaved like a prince, we've hung out, spent time with my friends and his friends, enjoyed wonderful sex almost every day. We haven't had any fights so far and I thank our Virgin of Abdominals for that. I think I deserve this period of peace after all I went through in the beginning.

I'm taking my clothes out of my backpack and put them on the table where Ares places his laptop. I see several envelopes next to it, I sort through them to put them behind the laptop when a stamp on one of them catches my eye: University of North Carolina. I recognize it because that was the university I applied to.

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