A Guy Like Him

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(A/N: I'm still a bit behind on season 4 so Idk what really happens between Buck and Taylor, carry along.)

Shayla's Pov

When I walked into the firehouse on monday morning, I saw Buck outside talking to a beautiful girl with ginger hair, he didn't notice me so I just kept walking.

"Hey guys," I said to everyone there, I barley could hear them greet me back, I had my head turn to see Buck and the girl, "That's Taylor," I heard Hen say, "she's the news reporter. We just don't know why she's here to see Buck."

"She's really pretty.." I said looking down. "You like him." Chimney teased, my face began to feel hot, "I-I didn't say that." I said in defense.

"You don't need too, it's obvious anyone can see" Bobby said, "Your face is turning red Shayla." Eddie laughed pointing at my face, okay this is getting embarrassing.

"We hooked up the other night." I spit out, everyones jaw dropped, "Dang." Hen said, "Buck's not exactly a prince charming Shayla, so I'd be careful with a guy like him." Bobby told me, he was right. I had only known Buck for a short while, who knows where he's been.

"I wouldn't bet on Buck too much either Shay," Chimney said motioning behind me, I turned around to see Buck hugging Taylor goodbye.

I clenched my fists and felt my face get hotter, I wanted to punch down a wall. The green eyed monster inside me was mocking me.

He likes her

She's way prettier than you

He's already forgotten about you

Was I just a sloppy second to him??

*later that day*

(Shay's workout fit)

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(Shay's workout fit)

"Beautiful my ass." I said beginning to talk to myself under my breath, "Who the hell does he think he is." I was using the punching bag.

"Let it out girl." I heard Hen say, "guys like Buck aren't easy to be happy with. "

When I was done, I saw Buck looking like he was waiting for me, "Hey Shayla," he said with a smile "Hi" I mumbled as speed walk past him towards the weights.

"What was that about?" I heard him ask the others. Look I know it's not that big of a deal but I really don't wanna talk to him or even look at him right now.

Jealousy has always been a flaw of mine, I put my airpods in and tried picking out song, I played the song 'Hate Me'

When I was done, I felt somewhat better, but as soon as I put the weights down I felt a light tap on my shoulder. I took out my airpod and turn to see Buck, "I haven't seen Taylor." I said in a monotone voice which I probably should've thought twice before saying. I put my airpod back in so hopefully he would leave, great now he must know im jealous.

Suddenly I felt him tap my shoulder again, now im pissed, "What?"

"Shayla what's wrong?? I've never seen you anywhere like this before, I know you're mad at me but I need you to tell me why because I didn't do anything, or atleast I don't think I did." Buck explained.

I sigh shamefully, "Nothing. Can we just drop it-"

"You saw me with Taylor." He said stopping me. I breathed out looking down, too humiliated to face him. "I did" I admit

Buck sighed, "Shayla nothing is happening between me and her she just needed my help with something and she just hugged me goodbye, that's all that happened." He said, I felt awkward but remembering what Bobby said stopped me from jumping back into his arms right away.

I shrug, "okay I believe you." I say to him, putting away my airpods. "Didn't the other night mean anything to you..?" He asked, "Of course it did. I just don't know if I want this to go any further, I've seen how guys like you are-"

"That's the thing! I'm not like that anymore! I promise you I've changed, I'd never do anything to hurt you Shayla, I like you too much. All I ask is you give me a chance." He takes both of my hands in his, "Let me show you who I really am, let me take you out on one date and you decide where you want things to go from there."

I thought about it, if he really were still the same, he already would've had sex with me or hit on me as soon as I joined the firehouse. (Yes Everyone told me he used to be a sex adict/f boy)

But who cares, I'm all for taking chances. Even if it goes downhill, I'll still be my very best self as a first responder with my work family, no matter what happens.

I bit my lip and nodded, "Okay, sure."
Buck's eyes lit up and he looked really excited, "Thank you Shayla, I won't let you down." I chuckled


By the time I got home I felt super icky so I went to take a shower, when I got out, I heard my phone buzzing.

It was Buck, "Hey Shayla!" I smiled, "Hi Buck! So whens our date?" I ask pretty excited. "How about coffee this saturday? Does 11 sound good?" He asked, "Of course" I answer, "it's a date." He chuckled lightly, "Yes sir, I'll see you tommorow?"

"Can't wait." Buck said, after we ended the call I leaned back onto my bed and looked at the ceiling and spoke to myself, "Crazy how things happen when a girl like me, falls for a guy like him."

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