Family Ties

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As I was going through my box of clothes that I didn't finish unpacking, I found a family portrait of me, my sister, and our parents from when we were younger.

"Hey Shayla." Buck says in my hear as he hugs me from behind, I turned my head to face him and smiled, "Buck" He kissed my lips, "Is that you?"

I look back and look at the picture, "yea thats me and my family." I say pointing to the little girl in yellow top, which in fact, was me.

"Awe you were adorable." He teases making me giggle, "I guess." I put the picture back in the box, "what are you doing?"

I raised a brow, "what do you mean?" Buck looked at the picture then at me,"you're just gonna leave it in the box?" I nod, "yeah..I just don't really like to look at those memories."

Buck just looked at me and held my hand, "You okay?" I nod, "no yeah it's not that serious, I just miss my parents and my sister and when it comes to stuff like that I kind of just try not to think about it you know?" I explain

"Yeah I get what you mean," he started, "I'm sorry Shay, can I help you finish unpacking?"

I could tell he was catching onto the idea of not wanting me to be sad, but part of me felt like I wanted to let it out with him. "Shayla?" I hear him say, I didn't even realize I was zoned out.

"Oh sorry.." I apologize trying to gather my thoughts, "I just..really need a hug." I say softly, Buck didn't hesitate to come closer and hold me, "You know what Buck" I begin

"What baby?" He kisses my head, "This whole time we've barley ever talked about our family, and I think it'd really important that we do." I say

"Why?" He asks, I sigh and pull away, sitting on the bed and take both of Buck's hands in mine, "because we have this rule in my family that if you want to marry someone, they have to meet your family.." I explained "So if I want to marry you, I'd have to take you to meet my family in Mexico."

I look up and see Buck looking at me "how soon? That makes me nervous just thinking about it.." he says, I shake my head and smile lightly, "don't be they're fine, and if we get married without them meeting you they'll never actually wanna talk to me again so..."

Buck bit his lip slightly and sits next to me, "I'd love to meet the rest of your family Shay" he tells me, I rest my head on his shoulder, "I'd love to meet the rest of yours.." I say

It was quiet for a few seconds until I heard Buck say, "Shayla I'm not so sure about that.." I lift myself back up and look at him, "What why? You think they wouldn't like me?" I felt hurt

"No babe it's not you, it's them." He says, I raised a brow like really, "No really just that they're...they're not easy to please.." He sighed. "Do you wanna talk about it?" I ask and he doesn't say anything for a moment.

"They've been absent in some things..and they've never made me really.. feel like I was enough. It were as if everyday I was working my ass off to become a better me just for them. My parents never knew what was going on with me, or even bothered to try to understand what was going on with me or Maddie. I didn't need much, all I wanted was for them to love me anyway."

I felt like crying hearing Buck get so vulnerable, I wiped a tear from my eye and held him close and kissed his forehead, "I'm sorry baby." He put an arm around me, "I've just never been able to figure out what was wrong with me-"

"There is nothing wrong with you." I say sternly, pulling away and turning him towards me, "Your parents seem to have lost themselves in their grief, but that's not your fault and it doesn't change who you are. You're the most amazing man I've ever met and you're so strong and capable of so many great things." I take his hand and gently caress it with my thumb, "You were meant to be greater than your parents ever expected you to be, that's who you are Evan."

He gave me a smile looking like he was tearing up as well, he just breathed out and said "Thank you baby." He kissed my head and when he did I came closer to hug him again, "I love you so much Shayla." He said into my shoulder, "I love you too Evan."


About 3 weeks had passed since then, we got our plane tickets and requested time off work to be in Mexico atleast for a week.

"Okay remember Chloe eats twice a day and make sure you limit her treats to about 3 per day." I tell Eddie and he nods

"And she gets bored from time to time so make sure you play with her often." Buck tells Christopher handing him a cat toy, "Of course I'll play with Chloe." Christopher says happily, we smiled.

Eddie looks over the notes on caring for Chloe, "I'll keep an eye on her and make sure she doesn't go crazy when you guys leave." He assures us

"Thanks again for agreeing to watch Chloe for us Eddie." I say hugging him, "Yeah no problem, she's in good hands and Christopher loves already." He notes motioning to Christopher already playing with Chloe with the feather teaser.

We all giggled at the sight and eventually it was time for us to say goodbye, and make our way to the airport.

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