Chapter one: Beginning

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        "Students! The bell doesn't dismiss you! I do!" the teacher cried as the students of Handerson Junior high started picking up their books to leave the final class of the day.

        Ivory Rose was definitely not among those students.

        At age twelve she had already been in five foster families and at least a dozen orphanages.  None had lasted very long.  She was currently living in small town Banks-creak in the worst orphanage she had ever been in.

        And she definitely wasn't rushing to go back there for the rest of the day.

        Rats, mice, and all sorts of bugs were regular appearances at Banks-creak's Orphanage and there was absolutely nothing young Ivory could do about it.

        The young girl stared at the familiar scene of teacher Miss Mason blocking the students from leaving the classroom.  Ivory waited patiently for them to walk through the same motions they went through every Friday.

        Groaning and grumbling as the children made their way back to their seats for the literal last three minutes until the weekend...

        The teacher saying 'thank you' for no reason...

        And then assigning homework...

        Ivory's head shot up when the teacher simply said, "Now, you are dismissed."

        Her eyes widened in fear and dread.  Her insides twisted as she watched the children groan and murmur complaints as they again picked up their backpacks and headed to the door.

        Her hand shot into the air, and before she could think the words flew out of her mouth. "What about homework, Miss Mason?"

        Growls and harsh looks came from the students as they realized the kind of reminder Ivory was giving out.

        The girl wrung her hands nervously at all their stares and expectantly waited for the teacher to usher everyone back in and say, 'My mistake, children. Your homework assignment is...' But instead, she waved her hand and said, "No homework for this weekend. But we do have a field-trip to the zoo on Monday, so make sure you're all prepared for that!" Then she started packing up her own items and ignored the cheering from the other kids.

        The world zoomed in front of Ivory like a horror movie.  Her heart thrummed dangerously in her chest.  

        No, no, nonononono...

        Once Madam Orantia found out, she would make sure all of her children got to the orphanage immediately, and they would have extra chores for sure...

        Ivory rose her hand again, and she could hear her classmates repeated groans.

        "What is it now, Ivory?" the teacher questioned irritably.

        "Are you...sure?" she asked in reply. "There has to be something you can give us for homework."

        Ivory could hear the children that were so close to escaping school, murmuring things that Ivory knew were awful and mean.  But she ignored them as she stared expectantly at her teacher.

        "Just remember to look out for things you see in nature," Miss Mason replied. "There are always things to learn there. Now, if you'll excuse me, Miss Hart, I have to pack up."

        Ivory willed the tears not to fall as she picked up her own backpack and walked toward the door.  She looked behind her, tears briming the girl's eyes, before she finally left the classroom.

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