Chapter six: Stuck...or Not Stuck

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        Ivory grabbed the side of the bus as she watched the sidewalk flying below.  The same girl sat beside her, a deep scowl etched on her pretty face.  She wasn't trying to hide her destain.  She let it ring clear as a bell.

        Eliot's sad trumpet as she said her goodbyes still echoed in her mind, giving her no rest on the drive back to the orphanage.  The only thing louder in her head was the question burning clear.

        Why had God sent Eliot, just to have her leave again?

        Ivory didn't understand it.

        The drive was long and restless, the tension in her stomach burning her from the inside out.  She didn't want to go back to the orphanage.  She wanted to run away.  She didn't belong there--and she knew it.

        She sighed back in her chair, not caring how the shake that resonated through the whole seat made the girl beside her growl.  Actually, she couldn't help the small smile that rose from her lips.  She shook a bit more, pretending to be adjusting, before stopping, not wanting to be thrown out a window. 

        Suddenly Ivory felt herself being thrown forward.  She grabbed the chair in front of her to keep her from hitting it.  The bus had come to a full stop.  

        Murmurs flew through the bus, each voice echoing Ivory's concern. 

        "Is everyone alright?" Madam Orantia asked from her seat near the driver.  She stood up and went into a full sweep of the bus.  Once she was satisfied that everyone was okay, she went back to the front to speak with the driver. 

        Ivory put her elbow on the window and rested her head onto the palm of her hand. 

        She looked up when she heard Madam Orantia's voice. "There has been a car accident," Madam Orantia said. "The traffic is backed up for miles. We're not going anywhere in this bus."

        Ivory groaned and hit the window with her forehead.  Now that she was paying attention, she noticed the bright blinking lights and loud honking annoying the world to no end.  

        They were stuck.

        "Don't worry, children," Madam Orantia continued. "I'm sure they will have all of this cleared up in a few hours. For now, just try to get some rest."

        Eyes wide, Ivory's gaze shifted around at the complaining students.  At least they had friends to talk to.  Ivory's only friend was stuck in a prison a few miles away.

        Then, like a lightbulb going off in her head, an idea came to her.  She grinned and unbuckled herself from her seat.  Everyone else had stood up from their seats and chatter was already filling the small space.  She quietly slipped past everyone, not surprised at how easy it was, and forced the bus doors open.  

        The cold air outside bit at her nose and cheeks, but she ignored it as she turned back to the way they came.  She looked back at the warm bus a final time before sprinting forward into the darkness.  

        Adrenaline coursed through her veins, causing her to forget her burning legs and lungs.  Warm breaths escaped from her lips, visible against the cold darkness.  

        Cars flashed past her as she sped up, her body somehow knowing where to go.

        Then she saw the looming zoo gates before her, casting shadows in the dim lighting.  She slowed to a stop before them, her hands balling into fists as she stared at the obstacle.  

        But it didn't stop her.

        She stuck her foot into the metal and latched on as far above as she could with her right hand.  Then she started climbing, pretending there wasn't hard cement below, and that she was somehow hooked up, safe from dangers.  

        She swung her legs carefully over the spiky metal top and let herself down the other side slowly. Thankfully, there were no security cameras in sight, and so she rushed down the bumpy path, finding her way through the darkness.  

        It wasn't hard to find the elephant exhibit.  Their trumpets sounds were loud and obvious.

        Immediately, one trumpet sound grew louder and more excited, and Ivory knew it must have been Eliot.  She rushed forward, jumping over the fence and not hesitating to leap over the ditch.  She landed with her shoes sliding into the dirt and throwing her into a roll.  She finally stopped rolling when she reached Eliot's large feet.  Then she started laughing, the happiness swallowing her like a warm blanket. 

        When she finally stopped laughing, Ivory wrapped her arms around Eliot's leg, and he lifted her up.  Ivory screamed in delight and held on tighter, even though she knew Eliot would never let her fall.  Then he wrapped his trunk around her waist and started forward at a fast pace.  The wind whipped Ivory's hair, and she giggled happily.  

        Eliot finally put her down, but the darkness kept Ivory from seeing where they were in the small elephant exhibit.

        Suddenly, a splash of water hit Ivory's face which made her gasp in surprise.  Eliot trumpet-laughed and wet her again, his trumpets growing louder in delight.  

        Finally, Ivory joined in the odd laughter and rushed toward the small lake Eliot was drawing his water from.  She ignored the cold water as she dipped her cupped hands in, gathering the liquid before throwing it at Eliot.  She giggled at the odd sound he made, but stopped right when Eliot splashed her again. 

        "Oh, it's on!" Ivory exclaimed, controlling the laughter bubbling in her stomach. 

        Eliot filled up his trunk with water and directed all of it at Ivory.  She screamed happily and rushed to get more ammo.  

        They continued splashing each other, both forgetting the time.

        Not that that was any different then what Eliot usually did.  But Ivory forgot all thoughts of sleep, even though she continually started yawning as the night grew later.  She was also shivering uncontrolably, but she didn't want to give into it.  She was having way too much fun. 

        When it was close to midnight, Eliot scooped Ivory up in his trunk and carried her to a dry area near the back of his exhibit.  He carefully rested her on his back and covered her with his large, warm ears.  She sighed in contentment and snuggled closer.  

        It didn't take long for the both of them to fall asleep. 

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