Chapter four: The Beginning of Friendship

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        "Wake up, children! The bus will arrive within the hour!"

        Ivory groaned and turned to her side, tangling herself even more in the blankets.  The voice felt so far away...yet too close for her eyes to remain closed for long.  She knew it was morning--the morning of the field trip.  

        Madam Orantia's story still rung in her head as she forced herself from bed, her words on constant replay.

        God sent someone into my life that changed my perspective.

        Everyone's story is different.

        I'm sure yours will be unique, beautiful, and touching.

        Ivory scrambled to get ready, knowing being late wasn't an option--

        Unless she purposefully missed the bus...

        But that wouldn't be fair to the other children who actually wanted to go on the field trip.

        Ivory grabbed her bag from beside the door, swinging it over her shoulders and marching downstairs.  Of course, she was the last one, but she didn't care, as long as the bus hadn't already left.  If she was the reason they missed their one time at going to a zoo...

        She shook her head quickly, the thoughts flying away.  

        Don't think about it.  You're here, and the bus hasn't left yet. 

        She smiled and gave herself a confident nod, looking straight forward at the door in front of her. She heard giggles and whispers, but she didn't care if she looked like she was talking to herself.

        She was.

        So, what?

        Madam Orantia called them forward and Ivory grabbed the straps of her backpack and followed the woman's instructions. 

        "Single file line into the bus, please!" Madam Orantia called. "No horsing around!" She gave the boys a pointed look before nodding and continuing with the rules for the day. Then they all single filed into the bus. Ivory found a seat in the back and prayed that there would be enough room for her to be alone.  

        But apparently, luck was not on her side.

        "Scoot over," a blonde girl ordered, standing in front of Ivory with a hand on her hip.  

        Ivory slid toward the window side gingerly, not giving the girl beside her a moment's glance.  She could hear the sigh pass the girl's lips as she buckled up and tried to get comfortable.  Her constant shifting moved the entire seat and bothered Ivory to no end.  But she kept her mouth shut and just stared out the window, waiting for the bus to start moving.  The faster they got there, the less time she would have to spend next to the sour blonde girl.

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        Upon arriving, they were led past check-in and straight into the bustling zoo.  Ivory bit her lip to hide the shock inside.  The path that led through the zoo was paved with old, crumbling cement, creating uncomfortable hills and valleys.  You could see all kinds of old buildings scattered around, probably restaurants for people to overpay for lunch.  The animals looked miserable in their beat up cages and corrals.  Ivory stared into their terrified eyes and felt herself shudder.

        Ivory shook her head at what she saw.  This wasn't a zoo, this was a prison.  She had seen so many beautiful zoos in the past, why was this one so worn down and lacked so 

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