This Girl's Name Is Sakura Haruno [Naruto Fanfic]

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Abundant chattering among the students were heard the moment Sakura stepped onto the campus of Konoha High.

People of all sorts came into sight, from nerds all the way to sluts. Name it, they were there. It seems they way this school ran was by cliques. The snobby rich boys who have their noses way too high in the air. Your typical sluts and players. Nerds, Geeks, and the unknown. The boys with the looks but bratty attitude. Girls together to prove that girls rules. Wannabes. Gangs. And then you have your club that ran the school, and could shut it down with a flick of their wrists.

She sighed but nevertheless began walking across campus. Heads turned as they spotted the pink beauty on campus, a sight that they've never seen before. Immediately, you could sense a fanboy club forming in thin air.

A spring breeze passed by, blowing her bangs in front of her face and unknowing that it wasn't something she should've done—she flipped her hair. Boys swooned over it and began running towards her, showering her with love affections, flowers and chocolate.

"Marry me!"

"I love you!"

"Go out with me!"

"Don't go out with him, go out with me!"

"No, me!"


Suddenly, a fight between the fanboys brew to determine which one was worthy enough for her affection. Punches were thrown as arms flailed, while upper students were hyping it.

Ever so slowly, Sakura began backing away from the chaos step by step. After about fifteen steps or so, she turned around and broke into a sprint; but instead slammed into a brick hard wall. Feeling herself falling backwards, she reached out and grasped onto the nearest thing, apparently it was Sasuke's tie. Sasuke was surprised at the action, and before you knew it, the duo began falling.

Sakura hit the ground first as Sasuke followed right after. He placed a hand on the ground near to Sakura's head to prevent himself from crushing his full body weight onto the fragile rosette. His hot breath fanned against her face as their nose was a centimeter away from touching. Emerald clashed with onyx. Just like that, everything disappeared.

The morning bell rang in the distance causing Sasuke to snap out of the daze and helped the rosette up.



With his signature response, he fixed his tie so that it was loosely tied in a rebellious way and made his way into the school. Halfway, his group of friends approached him with smirks and grins, knowing that it was quite a rare sight for the Uchiha to be in contact with a girl. Sasuke gave the loud blonde a glare as the group exploded into chuckles while a blush crept up his neck, going unnoticeable by his friends but it was noticed by Sakura.

She too began walking into the building, steering herself towards the main office. Upon entering the office, she spotted her fanboys, all in critical conditions. Black eyes, bloody lips, purple bruises, probably a broken bone or two. They moaned in pain and to Sakura's relief, they didn't notice her pass the pain.

At the counter she found a short brown haired lady, her name tag said 'Shizune.'

"Um…I'm the new student."

"Oh, Sakura I assume?" Shizune began flipping through the students' body files looking for Sakura's.


Shizune stopped looking for Sakura's file for a split second then resume back to her job with a small smile.

'Well, well. It seems Sasuke might find a girl this year.'

This Girl's Name Is Sakura Haruno [Naruto Fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now