Chapter Twenty Nine

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Prom was prom-tastic.

Of course, by some old cliche fashion, the two were crowned Prom King and Queen. Ino would have been Queen if she wasn't already Homecoming Queen. It was some weird school rule that once you were crowned Queen for Homecoming you couldn't get the crown again for Prom. Stupid really but not that Sakura minded...

She sat on the grass with her head thrown back, laughing. Glancing at Sasuke out of the corner of her eyes, she smiled. There he sat, all proud and mighty yet dripping from head to toe in pink. She sniffled a laugh as she had to agree to her inner self that the young Uchiha looked good in the girly color. A paint fight for after prom had to be the best idea ever.

Upon hearing her muffled laughing behind her hand, Sasuke turned to stare at her. But his stare began to turn into a glare as he soon realized that she was laughing at him. "What?"

"Oh, nothing." She gave him a small smile at the scowl on his face.



"Sakura." He growled.

Waving him off, she giggled as she stared at him adoringly, "I was just thinking you look good in pink." Tapping her chin in a thoughtful manner, "How does pink tuxedos sound for the wedding?"


"You would look so cute!" Sakura exclaimed, laughing again.

"Uchihas don't look cute." His lips were pressed together in a tight line as he glowered at her, a frown set on his face.

"Oh, sure, pretty boy." She said, laughing even harder at the deepening frown on his face.


She knew that she was ruffling the young Uchiha's feathers but he was so fun to tease. She just handed him one of her oh-so-innocent smiles as she began to eye his lips. And she knew that Sasuke had seen the small action, because she saw the corners of his lips turn slightly upward. "Hm...," tapping her dripping blue lips, she smirked, "now instead of sulking, wouldn't it be better to have fun with colors? I was thinking of purple."

"Hn," he smirked right back at her as he leaned in, closing the distance between them. But just their lips were centimeters away from making contact, Sakura jumped up and ran. Sasuke leaned back, slightly baffled but he knew it was just one of her games.

She was halfway across the field when she shouted back at him, "Come on, Sasuke-kun! Bet you can't catch me."

Sasuke sat there smirking, staring at the pink-haired beauty, the said girl had him wrapped around her pinkie... not that he would admit to it. Just one word with a smile and those big, round emerald orbs of hers and he would do anything she wants. Name it and it was done.

He didn't get how the petite girl had manage it but she did it somehow. Everyone's always mentioning something about him giving her heart a spin with his jokes, making her feel vulnerable because she loves him like that. Yet, he did have a fair share of his own.

Every since Akame went berserk and came off with the idea to kidnap the rosette, Sasuke was always on his toes. With every ticking moment away from her, his head was filled with thoughts that caused his heart to race, hammering into his ribcage. Was she okay? Was she hurt? Was she in danger? Once he found out that she was alright, he held on her tight and whisper her all the things that were meant only for her ears to hear only. And then, she would smile up at him and tell him that she love him. And he would tell her all the same things in return.

Vulnerable...he never felt that, he was an Uchiha for god sake. Uchihas don't feel vulnerable. But he knew, he knew that he would fall apart if the girl was to up and disappear out of his life for any reason. And he was going to be alone. Alone... The single word made his heart drop and made his blood run cold. He also knew that being alone was never going to change but if alone meant losing Sakura, he didn't want it. Everyone had to leave the face of the Earth at some point and time but he didn't want to live a day without Sakura. He didn't want to be alone like that. A bitter smirk made its way to his mouth at thw thought, and he knew exactly what she would tell him too. He could imagine her face in front of him telling him that, smiling as she told him, "You still have your friends and family, Sasuke. There's Naruto, Hinata, Neji, Tenten... the list goes on and on. They're your family too." But what's the point of having all those family members when the one that mattered the most wasn't there.

Yet, looking at her running like a madwoman out in the green field, laughing... he knew that she wasn't going to anywhere soon. He would promise that. He made that promise the moment he slipped that shiny rock onto her finger.

Jumping onto his feet, Sasuke brushed himself off and began to chase after her.

"Sasuke-kun! Come on!" Sasuke wasn't sure when she began to fully add the suffix to his name but he liked it. Him, on the other hand, had to yet to do the same with her name. On occasions though, when Sakura was sleeping or not listening, he would try it out. Sakura-chan. It did have a nice ring to it and made his heart swell but he had a big fat ego that she would need to stomp down before he would openly call her that out in public.


From afar, he saw her pout, her bottom lip jutted out. Whining, she shouted, "Sasuke! You're so slow, you have to run faster than that! Pfft... hard to believe you're captain of anything at our school."

Smirking, he dashed towards her with the lightning speed he was known for as Sakura's emerald orbs widen in shock before she ran away, laughing cheerfully. But she didn't stand a chance as he came up from behind and scooped her in his arms. She let out a shriek as she felt his arms wrap themselves around her small frame. His hot breath hit her nose, tickling it as he rested his forehead against hers. He felt the rise and fall of her chest against his as he looked at her in the eyes.

Her emerald orbs were shining up at him, her lips parted slightly as she tried to catch her breath, a smile on her lips.

And at that moment Sasuke realized, with her in his arms, he wanted greedily, to be her favorite hello and hardest goodbye. As well as her favorite hug. He was going to her hug tight with both hugs locked around her frame to tell her and make her know that she was safe and secured. He was going to make her feel warm on both the outside and inside. He was aiming for exactly that when he went in for a sweet, chaste kiss. "Hn. So how about that purple?"

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