Chapter Eight

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Sakura stood in front of the prestigious Konoha High with a gym bag in hand, she couldn't believe that she was actually going to except the invitation. Sighing, Sakura gathered what was left of her sane self and trudged up the stairs. The double doors gently swung open effortlessly and a cold spring breeze blew in, Sakura quietly shut it and began walking down the semi dark hallway.

Suddenly, a chair fell out of nowhere, crushing the eerie silence. It wobbled on its legs before it crashed on its back. One of the feet unloosened and rolled down the floor like a lost penny, it hit the leather of Sakura's gym shoe and was put to a stop. The hair on the back of her neck stood up as a chill ran down her spine, she shivered.

'It's probably just the wind, a window must be open.' Sakura reassured herself, there was no such thing as ghosts, right?

Side-stepping the mysterious fallen chair, she began heading down the dimly lilt hallway, gripping the strap of her bag slightly. Turning the corner, she came to an abrupt stop, a red substance covered the area from floor to ceiling. The heavy scent of iron knocked her off her feet, it was strong beyond normal. Pinching her nose, attempting to block the uninvited scent into her nostrils, she swiftly turned around and left.

'This... isn't normal.' Sakura's paced increased as terrifying memories surged back; unwanted tears came cascading down her rosy cheeks.

Timid whimpers escaped her soft pink lips, thunder rolled through the unforgettable night, it shook the black van going at 100 mph. The gnarled ropes cut against her small wrists as the cotton bag over her head suffocated her. Afraid...shock...scared...all of the negative feelings in the world enveloped her small figure. All she remembered was she was walking home when a black van pulled up and she was shoved into the back-not without a fight of course- and after that...nothing else registers her mind. Suddenly she felt a hard kick to the gut as a slap followed right after.

"That's for the kick and clawing earlier brat." A snobby guy sneered.

"W-where are you taking m-me...," Sakura's voice slowly faded into a hiccup as a strong blow came for her gut again, her abdomen exploded in pain. Biting down on her lips, she managed to suppress the scream wanting to escape. There was no way she was going to show her weak side in front a bunch of snobby low life asshole.

Every hit she took, she felt her consciousness slipping away through her hands. But the final hit, she couldn't suppress it any longer as the pocket knife dug into her back, just between the shoulder blades. Her piercing scream echoed back into her own ear, blood seeped through her white blouse staining, a stain that will never wash off from the blouse or her mind. She couldn't believe her life would end in such a scarred way, her heavy eyelids droop shut as she lay in her own puddle of blood.

A warm, husky voice whispered in her ear in a soothing manner. "Hn, it's alright. It's just a prank Naruto and the rest played on some of the teachers."

Sakura couldn't care less about who it was but she buried her head into their chest. It didn't even matter; it didn't even matter if it was Yamanaka.

A pair of strong arms surrounded her, blocking any terrifying thoughts from coming into her. The haunting thoughts and nightmares of the night she was kidnapped stopped ever since she turned thirteen and realized that she couldn't be weak. She had to be strong in order to survive this cruel world. Memories flashed before her eyes, she squeezed them tightly shut, as if she could make them disappear. But the horrifying images didn't disappear instead they did the opposite, more and more images flashed through her eyes. Her drowning...her crying for help but her cries faded in with the thunder, booming so violently over the vast ocean. Her pink head bobbling at the surface...her arms flailing, trying to keep her head above the water...her eyes glossed with tears, stinging painfully as sea water splashed into them.

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