Chapter Thirteen

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*Not edited or looked over since 2012, I'm so sorry for all the errors that you're about to encounter...


Sasuke leaned down so close that Sakura could feel his hot breath fanning against her face. She felt herself step backwards, bumping into the railing. She was cornered. "S-Sasuke?"

"Hn." Sasuke's reply began to tickle her neck; his shoulders were touching hers as pools of onyx made her feet turn to jelly. Her heart began to race, speeding up with every ticking second. Blood rushed to her face as it heated up. For sure, Sakura looked even worse than the Hyuuga heiress. If Sakura wasn't trying to return to her regular self, she was sure she would have fainted right on the spot. Slowly, Sasuke began leaning in closer and closer, as if to kiss her, but he stopped just inches away from her lips, "Tch, annoying."

Sasuke backed away and coolly walked back inside, leaving an embarrassed and enraged rosette. "Why you asshole, I could just wring that neck of yours Uchiha! What a Chicken-ass jerk!"

Little did she know, Sasuke heard every single word she had growled out. Just like before though, Sasuke proceeded walking down the hallway, smirking in amusement at the rosette's foul mouth. 'Hn, I wonder where Daisuke gets that foul mouth of his from?'

Sakura was currently sprawled across her bed, and sighed for what seemed like the hundredth time ever since they came back from lunch. The "incident" between Sasuke kept on replaying again and again in her mind like song that of a broken cassette. Suddenly, she felt her cheeks flare up as the memory of Sasuke leaning in closer, so close..."What are you doing Sakura? Snap out of it!"

"Hn, talking to yourself is a bad habit. People will think you're psycho, especially since you have pink hair too."

Sakura stopped her internal turmoil and faced the Uchiha at the door, "Shut up, Uchiha."

"Shut up is not a nice word, Sakura nee-chan," Sasuke mocked as he walked over and stood at the side of the bed. "Hn, I think we know where Daisuke gets his language from, ne?"

Sakura sent a glare towards his direction, which had significant meaning of 'Shut it before I shut it for you.' What irked her even more was the smirk that made its way to his face, a mocking gesture. You didn't know how much she wanted to wipe that sorry smirk off of his face.

"Nee-chan! Nii-san!" Daisuke came running at top speed, smiling brightly at the two of them. He tackled Sasuke with just enough force that it caused the both of them to go toppling onto the bed that Sakura was so peacefully occupying, thus creating a human sandwich; with Sakura on the bottom, Sasuke in the middle, and Daisuke on top. But that wasn't all what happened.

Sakura eyes widen into big saucers as she felt a pair of lips brush past hers, Sasuke's to be exact. Time seemed to stop right there at the moment, the duo stared at each other shocked. For the second time today, she felt herself heat up. Letting out an awkward laugh, Sakura slid off the bed. "Uhh..."

Sasuke too stood up and coughed, turning his head to the side as he felt his face heat up. "Hn."

Daisuke looked at Sakura intently, "Nee-chan ...are you blushing?" Then he faced Sasuke, squinting slightly, and found a tint of pink on Sasuke's pale face. "Nii-san, so are you. Is Nii-san and Nee-chan sick?"

"Oh, we're not sick. It's just really hot in here." Sakura lied, hoping that Daisuke would take the bet.

"Hot? But Nee-chan, we have the AC on and you have the ceiling fan on too. It's actually like a freezer in here." Daisuke commented, rubbing his arm and shivering.


"Hn, why did you come in here, Daisuke?" Sasuke questioned after he managed to suppress his blush.

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