i. Intervals

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This is a sort of prologue to Blood Bound (Uri Duranki) —and will have three parts, and the first part may not make as much sense yet (although if you have any thoughts about what's possibly happening then I would love to read them).

Also heavily inspired by LiNafied's Wenrene fic "And I Will Walk A Thousand Miles Just to Find You Again"


"Have you thought this through?" There's a softness in her voice that makes Jennie look. She's never soft.

"There's not much to think about."

She hums in response, eyes softening "Very well."


She ends up running towards a stray lotus flower by the river, nuzzling the petals close to her nose before playing with them one by one, and soaking in the warmth from the summer sun. She draws patterns in the air with it, up and down, and little circles with the flower swaying along and most of the petals falling on to the water, painting it with shades of blue and lavender. For a while she watches, lying on the grass, as they're washed off to the sea— a fitting tribute to God of the Nile.

It's what she enjoys most. Watching the fickle earth morph and move, with her at the center of it.

"I knew I'd find you here." Her voice brings a fresh wave of warmth, filling the space between them. A noticeable indentation that tips her axis to the side, and buries the scent of papyrus reeds into a subtle note in the air. The woman pats down the patch of grass beside her, making a little bed of smoothed out grass and bits of reed that clung to the soil. "Come sit by me."

She watches on with a bit of wariness that comes instinctual to her. The woman comes by every day, just before the sun sets to play with her and even though she brings along the scent of comfort and warmth in her voice and eyes, it doesn't wipe away the brief need for caution that rises up inside her.

"Are you not in the mood to play today?"

She catches the scent of it despite the woman's efforts of hiding it beneath the kyphi clinging to her skin. Somehow the woman brings sadness along with her, instead of her usual brightness.

The woman's warmth is something she has trouble keeping herself away from. Even if she wanted to stay away, her body does things on its own. It's a mild blow to her pride that a mere non-stranger could take away her sense of independence just as quickly.

The woman gives out a soft chuckle that sends little quivers against her body, "Are you sleepy then? You can sleep on my lap if you want."

She ignores the hand the woman is offering, choosing to flick her head to the side and settling on the patch of grass instead.

"You've always been so stubborn, is that why you won't come home with me?" sadness dripping off from every word.

She tries to ignore it, curling in on herself to try and get some sleep. It doesn't take long when she feels soft warm hands running through the space between her ears, scratching lightly on the sensitive spot behind them. She has never felt this sense of gentleness, even from the hands of children that come to pet her when they see her under the stalls at the marketplace. She stretches her body and purr against the heat, pushing the tip of her head against the woman's palm as she tries to chase the warmth that's retreating.

She wants more.

The woman has never once tried to pet her when she comes to visit before, opting to stay a breath's distance away or offering a papyrus reed to play with instead.

Jenlisa Drabbles Where stories live. Discover now