Here's a Letter from Me to You

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AN: found this one on one of my old writing folders and I remember saving this for a multichap fic but didn't get the chance to completing it. So, feels like it could stand as a one-shot. Lemme know what you guys think :).


Dear Jennie, 

Today you told me how much you wanted to travel the world. Remember? 

We were lying on the grass, trying to make sense of the senseless shapes of the clouds and how each of them seemed like cotton candy to me and flying cats and dinosaurs to you. You stopped, midway… still pointing above. I believe you were tracing out a car then, or was it a tiger? You stopped laughing and I looked back at you...

“I want to travel the world Lisa…”

You said it with such sadness and excitement that I found it hard to tell which was which. You moved away then... to sit up, to hug your knees and smile at me. 

“I want to travel the world…go on this great big adventure.” 

You held up your hands, to show me. How big the world was then, in your eyes and I laughed. Laughed so hard you got mad, I laughed and laughed until you laughed with me. 

“You’d make for a great traveler Jen.” 

And you smiled… smiled in the way I found my heart dancing this silly little dance inside my chest. Doing nothing but suffocating me. 

In that moment of childlike innocence… I stopped myself from saying You were the adventure, and I’d give everything to travel … travel those eyes and those lips and those hands. To trace those little steps and see how far your heart was from your lovely eyes. Map out everything and engrave it in my memory, my heart… 

I wanted to travel your soul Jennie… Wanted it so much, it hurt. 

All my love, 


Ella looked at the letter, it was crumpled in all the right places and had splotches of brown here and there. There were probably hundreds more inside the box that lay open on the carpeted floor. She looked at the one she had in hand closely, and tried straightening the edges. Carefully running her hands over and over again over the crumpled edges. It looked so fragile, as fragile as the contents it had. 

“Ella, dinner’s rea-”

She spun around in time to see her mother by the door. 

“What do you have …”

Her voice shook, and Ella felt guilty for prying on things she shouldn’t. She found the box a summer ago and found it odd how her mother kept it hidden beneath the bed. Kept something as pretty, away from everything. 

“Whe-where did you find that?”

“Mom, I…”

She sat beside her on the floor, and ran her fingers against the little flowers engraved on the side of the box. Slowly, familiarizing herself with every dip and every crack on the wooden surface. 

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