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Jacob Black was sitting in the living room with the pack of wolves, discussing important matters. From the kitchen, Renesmee could hear everything as she was grilling the mini pizzas. She didn't even have to prick her ears.

"What are we going to do with the wolf?", asked Seth innocently, earning glares from everyone else. Including Embry Call.

"How what, Seth? We're going to kill it!", Jacob snarled. He loathed the fact that the wolf was posing danger. Sure, it only sat calmly, but what if it attacked?

However, there was another reason he wanted to kill the grey wolf. He loathed with burning passion how his imprint seemed to feel more comfortable around the strange animal. She was supposed to be snuggling with him at night! Instead, no matter how hard he tried, Renesmee never seemed to love him. So he had had no other choice, but to force her to live with him, to share everything with him, including the bed his parents had once shared. He was sure she would develop something for him that way. And she had - hatred. Her heart was full of hatred towards what he had made her do. Once, Jacob had been someone to confide in, someone she could always go to whenever she felt lonely or misunderstood. No longer that was the case. He had shown his true colours.

Tears pooled in Renesmee's eyes. She knew she had to prevent the murder of the grey wolf. She saw the animal as nothing but innocent in her eyes.

She gulped before serving the food on the coffee table. She didn't look up to make eye contact with anybody, thinking to herself how could there be such cruel people on this planet who would want to kill an animal without any logical reason. Jacob claimed the grey wolf was dangerous, but so far the animal hadn't hurt anybody.

Renesmee was chopping up some fruit for a snack when she realized she couldn't hear the men any longer. Out of curiosity, she pricked her ears. It seemed that they were in the backyard. She wondered what they were doing there. Had they moved outside to get fresh air?

She left the bowl of chopped up fruit on the kitchen counter and made her way to the backyard. But what her eyes found shocked her.

Jacob, watched by the rest of the shapeshifters, had a gun in his arms and he had pointed it at the wolf's gut.

Renesmee's eyes widened in shock. He couldn't. And if he did it, she vowed to never look at him again, to never forgive him for the crime he could commit if she didn't do anything.

"NO!", she shouted as loud as she could, running to the wolf, whose eyes were full of fear. Nobody knew any of that but the animal wished to shift into its human form to prove its innocence, that in a way, it was just like them.

Alas, nothing happened. The grey wolf was still in its animalistic form no matter how hard it tried to shift. Panic had overtaken its body. It was pushing all invisible barriers as hard as it could. But no. Nothing. Only betrayal.

Renesmee shoved the men out of her way and dropped on her knees next to the wolf. She grabbed it in an embrace and pet its fur to soothe it. She wasn't going to let The Big Bad Tribe of Shapeshifters get their way and take the life of the poor animal.

"It's okay, it's okay, I won't let them hurt you," she cooed at the animal. She didn't expect anything from anyone, much less sympathy from the shapeshifters who had almost supported an atrocious crime.

"Come on, guys," Seth urged Embry and Quil to step back with him. Truth to be told, Seth had a gut feeling that this grey wolf was much like them. And if Jacob wasn't a stubborn prick and actually opened his ears to listen to other people's opinions, perhaps he could be influenced to give the wolf a chance, even if it turned out not to be like them. If only they knew...

"Get up," Jacob ordered at Renesmee. But the hybrid refused to. She was terrified that if she moved an inch from her place, then the shapeshifters would do whatever Jacob wanted them to do. And she couldn't lose the wolf. She needed to protect it, the only friend she had.

No matter how many times Jacob repeated to Renesmee for her to get up from the ground and to go inside, to be the docile little future wife he wanted her to be. But the hybrid wasn't like that. She wanted to fight for what she thought was right.

Some shapeshifters snickered behind his back at the sight of Jacob being unable to control his imprint. But one glare from him was enough to make them seal their mouths.

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