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Sadly, everything good always had to come to an end.

Renesmee and Hope had decided to take a slow stroll around La Push, realizing Hope hadn't seen anything yet. Whenever Renesmee saw anything she thought would appeal to the wolf, she would stop and point with her finger, as if the wolf was a small child.

"And here is the Quillayte River," she pointed so that the animal could see, "Jacob used to take me to picnics here every weekend."

Hope saddened when she heard that. She wished she had experienced the same. Alas, she had no friends anymore. Not that she had had any before. Lizzie Saltzman used to hate her because of misinformation spread by her sister Josie. Landon Kirby had served her milkshakes before they had met up again and had begun dating. And while she was on good terms with Milton Greasley, Rafael Waithe and Kaleb Hawkins, she couldn't say they were friends, at least nowhere near as close as Renesmee and Jacob had been in the past, according to the hybrid girl's stories.

As Renesmee was peacefully walking with Hope with a grin on her face, ready to show her even more, an all-too-familiar voice boomed:

"Stop, Renesmee!"


Who else?

Renesmee had done nothing wrong, or so she believed. All she wanted was to have fun with her new friend.

What was Jacob's problem anyway? Wasn't he okay with his imprint and the wolf's relationship anymore?

The hybrid's heart rate sped up, redness covering her face as she and the grey wolf froze in their places, the hybrid's eyes never leaving Jacob's, confused by his behaviour. She bit the inside of her cheek and mentally prayed to a God that she didn't quite believe in. She was desperate to spare the grey wolf - her only friend.

"Your parents are waiting for you at their place," Jacob announced and the hybrid let a breath she had held out of anxiety. Obediently, she followed the shapeshifter. Of course, the grey wolf was following her.

The three of them were making their way down the path to the Cullen residence. Both Renesmee and Hope were moving slowly. The hybrid was playing with her fingers. She tended to do that if she didn't know what was going to happen. It was a habit she had picked up as a child back when she was battling anxiety, caused by the Volturi and her social isolation.

"Can you not shamble your feet?", Jacob shouted, impatient by the behaviour of his imprint. Upon seeing the fear in her eyes, however, he meekly added, "Please?"

The hybrid said nothing, but followed his instructions, speeding up her feet. She was curious. What did her parents need of her? Why were they waiting for her back home? At the same time, she looked forward to seeing her family. Perhaps if her father focused hard on her mind, he could finally see how miserable and stuck she truly felt in La Push? Would that change his mind about practically throwing his daughter to the wolves?

When they finally arrived, Renesmee was bracing herself to introduce Hope to her family, who was too elated to see her to pay enough attention that there was a strange wolf with them. They had probably assumed that Hope was a new shapeshifter addition to Jacob's pack. No wonder why they hadn't questioned anything yet.

"So, Bella? Why did you ask us to come here?", as soon as everybody sat down in the formal living room, the shapeshifter demanded to know. It was more than enough that his imprint preferred to spend time with some random wolf who could hurt her at any given moment (at least that was how he saw the whole situation), and now her family wanted to spend the remainder of the day with her.

Bella frowned, while Edward slowly shook his head, probably reading Jacob's thoughts as usual, "What? Can't we see our only child once in a while, Jacob? I know you now live together, but she's still our daughter," she added, "You'll understand someday when you have your own children with Renesmee!"

The hybrid couldn't help but feel embarrassed. How could her mother even mention that? Now, things would be even worse! Jacob would insist on marrying Renesmee (not that he hadn't planned to, he was just waiting for her to finish school) and then to impregnate her! Horror!

Renesmee continued playing with her fingers and listening with half-ear until she felt Hope nudging her with her nose. How come no one had questioned the grey wolf's presence yet was beyond her.

Edward's sudden question, however, surprised everybody:

"Why don't you want to shift back into your human form, Hope?"

All eyes were now on the innocent animal.

The Grey Wolf [TWILIGHT/LEGACIES]Where stories live. Discover now