Your Main Talent

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Singing, she loves asking you to do duets with her in glee club

Rapping, He loves that you speak in such a soft and gentle way and then when you rap, its rougher, he still thinks that its cute rather than bad ass like you hope you sound but he thinks its cool that you can 'spit bars'

Dancing, she doesn't consider herself a good dancer but she likes learning to dance from you since you take it slow for her, you were both the best ballroom dancers at her prom, that's for sure.

Painting, You know how he can get self-conscious sometimes so you like painting him so that on those days, you can give him a painting to show him how much you care and to show that you think he is perfect just the way he is.

Acting, she keeps telling you to audition for TV shows and films etc, you had been given offers but you are so shy and so you act for her and the glee club, always asking Santana to be the love interest for obvious reasons.

Singing, another one who loves to sing duets with you, he walked in the auditorium during your glee club audition and was smitten, your voice blew him away so he always asks you to sing with him.

Baking, she found out about your baking talent during the bake sale you held to get money for an accessible bus for Artie, you made a bunch of cakes and other sweet treats, having gotten carried away whilst you were in the zone, because of the variety and the fact that they were good without the use of drugs, they sold out within 30 minuets, Brittany brought a few and ever since, declared that Saturday was the 'National Tami baking day' just so that you would make cakes for her.

Fashion Design, he loves fashion so when he found out that you created your own designs, he offered to wear some and Kurt was constantly asked who made his clothes and he constantly mentioned you, let's just say, you are in high school and now you also own your own business.

Modelling, you had been modelling since you were 9, you modelled for children's clothing and now you model for actual clothing and are often the front of magazines, Tina supports you wholeheartedly and even helps you come up with poses for each photo shoot.

Dancing, since you are both dancers, it's only fitting that you are the main dance duo in the group, you choreograph dances together and the glee club always praises you two on your chemistry, even before you became a couple.

Photography, She found out about your talent in photography when she saw a picture of her on your Instagram where she was looking out of the window in class, the lighting was perfect and emphasised how pretty she was, this was all during the time when she thought that she had to lose weight so she instantly asked you to take the photo down because she looked ugly but you looked at her in the eyes and smiled "Y-you're gorgeous, I p-posted that picture be-because I wanted everyone t-to see you the w-way I do, y-you look pretty all t-the time and t-the lighting was perfect s-so I just took the picture" You had told her. Ever since then, she became more confident in her body and your Instagram was filled with pictures of Mercedes.

Cheerleading, You were a member of the cheerios, because of this you are very popular, Sam didn't care though, he just loved hearing you cheering because you were so happy when doing so and hearing you happy made him happy and vise-versa. You even made cheers just for Sam when you two were alone and he found that adorable.

Acting, You love acting and Sugar used to offer to pay to see you act but now she just asks, you always refused the money after all. So in return Sugar spoke to her father and got you signed to an acting company where you were first put as small characters in TV shows and movies but soon became the main character and you became pretty famous, but you always did scenes just for Sugar, scenes that you wrote by yourself.

Rapping, He loves hearing you rap, he thinks that your accent sounds even cuter when you are rapping, yes he loves American culture but your British accent causes him to melt, he always tells you how your accent is better than his Irish accent, especially when you are rapping because it makes the rap sound cute and bad ass at the same time.

Not really a talent but Lauren likes saying that being nice is your talent, you always calm her down if she is angry, Santana once tried flirting with you and Lauren got angry and Santana almost had to go to the ER, after Lauren punched Santana the first time, you grabbed her arm so she looked at you "I-its okay, lets go so-somewhere to calm down okay?" You had asked her so she nodded and when you turned, she punched Santana again before following you to the Auditorium where you helped her with some breathing exercises to calm her down.

Singing, since he is at Dalton and you are at McKinely, you don't see each other as often as you'd like to, because of this, he doesn't get to hear your voice often so when you do see each other, he asks you to sing for him, he says that your voice helps him relax so you always agree to singing to him whenever he asks.

Dancing, she always asks you to teach her to dance because she wants to be able to dance with you at her prom or your prom so you do, you help her with her ballroom dancing and even teach her a little bit of hiphop dancing.

Cheerleading, You are a cheerleader but you aren't on the cheerio's because Sue didn't like you, however you are the first to know that he is trained in ballet and cheer him on when he tells the other glee kids, you create random cheers for him and he loves that you support him no matter what.

Modelling, you love modelling and Kitty always take pictures of you posing and is always telling you that you are a natural so she isn't surprised when a photographer asks to take some pictures of you and they ended up going viral, Kitty was supportive the whole time and helps you come up with poses for each photo shoot

Baking, He loves eating the things you bake and sometimes even helps... if licking the spoon counts as helping, anyway he always forces you to bring the stuff you bake into school so that everyone else in glee can try them, lets just say everyone looks forward to seeing you with a bag of celebrations tins (It's what my family put cakes in to store them).

Fashion Design, When unique found out you were a fashion designer, she went crazy, she was so proud of you for knowing your dream and she asked you to make some dresses and stuff for her which you were glad to do and she always bragged to the glee club that you were her talented little designer and you ended up making all the prom dresses for the girls and all the costumes for the glee club.

Art - Drawing, painting, crafts, You were a shy person, but Mason was breaking down your walls and helping you show your art more often, one of your paintings was even hung up in the choir room and sometimes you tried teaching Mason how to draw but... he didn't get much better, he can now successfully draw a less shaky stick man, now all the lines are almost completely straight.

Photography, You LOVE taking pictures of Madison so sometimes on your dates, you'll go to a flowerbed and she'll just let you take as many pictures as you want, she always supports you and when your photo's were put on your Instagram, it blew up and a bunch of kids at school asked you to take pictures of them for their Instagram.

Singing, Since you are a shy person, she doesn't want to force you to sing in front of the glee club too much but when you two are alone, she asks you to sing duets with her or just sing to her because she loves your voice, she thinks it compliments hers perfectly.

Gaming, You two often play games rather than go on dates, you always beat him and he challenges you over and over again because he is competitive before he learns that you are pretty much unbeatable.

Another one who says kindness is your talent, You were there when he yelled at Roderick for being lazy so you instantly tried calming him down but hugging him and quietly telling him that its okay and once he was calm you told him that he should apologise to Roderick since he was kind of mean.

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