What They Like About You

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She loves how you were able to humble her, make her be kinder towards others and supported her through everything.

He loves your eyes, you've always been self conscious since your right eye tends to drift off to the side but Finn loves everything about your eyes, the colour, the shape, the size, the scars on your eyelids from the laser surgery you had when you were 3, he especially loves the fact that your eye drifts off to the side and he never skips a day of telling you how much he loves your eyes.

She loves how comforting you are, you were always the one who made her smile and you purposely would do silly things just to help her smile, or you would just sit on her lap and cuddle her until she feels better.

He loves your body, He hated it when he found out you have a negative body image so he reminds you every hour how pretty you are in his eyes, he knows you get skinny shamed often but he also knows that people fat shame you as well so he learnt to compliment you in a way that wouldn't hurt you, by saying that you are perfect.

She loves your lips, she thinks they are really small and cute and she loves placing gentle kisses to them when you aren't expecting it because of your habit to pout when you are confused, she feels like she falls in love all over again every time you kiss.

He loves your mind, you often get made fun of because you have a unique way of thinking, kind of like Brittany, he loves how you just randomly say things that come to mind, even if they don't make sense because its funny, he loves the puns you make and he loves the weird dance moves you come up with whenever music comes on.

She LOVES your hair, she always plays with your hair whenever you are cuddling or if she is bored in glee club, she thinks its really soft and so she likes running her hands through your hair gently so she doesn't accidentally pull your hair.

He loves your sense of style, he loves it when you wear the clothes you made to school, he loves knowing that he is with the girl who turns peoples heads when she walks by, he loves knowing that he won the person of his dreams before anyone else could.

She loves your humour, she thinks you are HILARIOUS even if you don't agree, when she or anyone in the glee club is having a bad day, you crack a few jokes to lighten the mood, she is glad that she is with you because you are always willing to cancel plans just to go cheer her up.

He loves your dancing, he thinks its really cool how you took it upon yourself to learn dancing on your own since nobody in your family could afford to get you dancing lessons so you used video's online and taught yourself and he was really proud to be with someone who is dedicated to what they love to do whilst not being a total diva about it.

She loves your height, you often get made fun of by Karofsky and his gang of dickheads and you sometimes get teased by the members of glee because of your height so you naturally began thinking that you are too short so you started wearing heels (you even considered using stilts) and when Mercedes noticed, she pulled you onto her lap, hugged you and told you that she thinks your height is perfect.

He loves EVERYTHING about you but if he had to pick his favourite thing, it would be how understanding you are, you were the first to know about the situation with his family and always listened when he needed to rant, giving out the best advice you could, he was incredibly grateful and his heart does somersaults whenever you just sit there and listen to him because he realises how lucky he is to have you.

She loves how you never ask her to buy you anything even if she offers, she thinks its cute how you get awkward whenever she asks if you want anything and tell her that you don't like people spending money on you.

He loves your accent, he maybe from Ireland but he loves British accents... Well more specifically, YOUR British accent, he thinks its adorable and he tries to mimic it causing you to tease him endlessly which he finds adorable as well... Let's just say, he thinks you are THE most adorable thing in the world.

She loves your kindness, how you are always willing to help those in need even if they have done wrong by you, for example, Santana was really mean to you a couple of hours before Finn outed her, she bullied you because she was jealous that everyone in glee liked you whilst half of them disliked how she was so bitchy, anyways, you had overheard what Finn said and instantly gone to Santana and helped her calm down, she never bullied you again and Lauren, despite no longer being in glee, was sat in one of the chairs in the auditorium and smiled proud of you.

He loves your face, he thinks that your face is adorable and precious so he loves peppering kisses everywhere around your face whilst saying compliments between each kiss since he had heard people making fun of how you looked so ever since, he took it upon himself to make you love yourself.

She loves your personality, how you always put others first and do your best to help them even if you are struggling, but this is also something she doesn't like about you because she doesn't like it when you deny your feelings just so that nobody worries and so that you can focus on helping others.

He loves your nose, he thinks its cute how tiny it is even if you think it looks weird, he loves to kiss your nose because of how flustered you get afterwards and he finds it adorable.

She loves your personality, she wasn't a very nice person until she met you and she wanted to become a better person because she saw you consistently go out of your way to help others and she wanted you to like her so she changed for you and with your help but constantly reminds you how you made her a better person because you are such a good person.

He loves your voice, he loves that your voice is soothing when you speak to him and is sweet yet somewhat powerful when you are singing, he likes to hear you talk to him sometimes if he can't sleep because it calms him down.

She loves your ears, she loves to pet them and place little kisses on them because of how ticklish they are and she loves it when you giggle and squirm because of how ticklish your ears are.

He can't choose one thing about you, he loves your eyes and your smile the most though, he thinks your eyes are hypnotic because he feels like he gets lost in them every time you make eye contact and he loves how sweet your smile is, the way your smile can always just magically make his day better, he calls you his human dopamine (You're not really human though... ;-;) because he considers you his happiness.

She loves how your eyes light up when you take the perfect picture of her and how you get so excited over it that you jump around and then when you show her, your tail wags excitedly, she finds it all so adorable that it cheers her up if she feels negatively about herself and she wonders how pretty she must be if you get that excited and it boosts her self esteem.

She loves your voice, she loves singing duets with you because she loves how your voice blends with hers and also how effortlessly you sing, she gets butterflies every time you sing and doesn't hesitate to remind you.

He loves how accepting you are, you don't care that he is considered overweight, you love him just the way he is and he loves that about you, he also loves how you encouraged him and helped him when he went on a diet and did more exercise, he loves you a lot and never fails to remind you.

He loves how patient you are, the fact that its difficult to make you angry and instead respond kindly and with a sweet smile, he loves that because he tends to lose himself in anger and say things out of anger but you always just listen to him and comfort him.

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