Popularity Ranking /10

259 2 0

0/10, she can relate

2/10, he doesn't care that you aren't popular, he is just happy that you love him

6/10, you aren't popular but you aren't unpopular, people like you but don't really remember you.

8/10, You used to be 10/10 because people wanted to get drawings and stuff from you and your popularity went down a little bit after joining glee but people still like you and you get a lot of notes on valentines.

3/10, she doesn't care that you aren't popular, she loves you because you are a good person and she thinks that you make her a better person

0/10, He doesn't care that you aren't popular, just like you don't care that he isn't popular

1/10, the only people who like you are in the glee club so naturally the fact that you are in glee club and the fact that you are a hybrid meant that people were going to hate you.

9/10, you were actually really popular, well after Kurt started wearing you clothes you became popular, now everyone comes to you for fashion advice and asks you to make clothes for them.

19/10, Tina doesn't care that you are popular however she is worried that you'll leave her for someone else even though she knows that the two of you are soulmates

5/10, you are right in the middle, you aren't popular but you aren't unpopular, people only take time to talk to you or even care about your existence when they need help but you are always the first choice because of your kind nature.

9/10, You are very popular, you have only ever gotten slushied once and that was your 2nd day at school, after that nobody ever slushied you because they were in awe of your photography skills and also loved your kindhearted nature.

9/10, You are a cheerio, you are very popular, 2nd most popular behind Quinn, people admire you and you constantly get notes in your locker even if it isn't valentines day. You are the school's sweetheart, the person everyone wants to date but can't because they are already taken.

11/10, you are incredibly popular and your popularity is only increasing, you are the MOST popular kid in school and Sugar is proud of you because of that.

2/10, you are unpopular, your accent and the fact that you are a hybrid don't help the fact that you became a loser as soon as you got into glee club but Rory protects you from bullies to the best of his ability.

5/10, another person who isn't popular but also isn't unpopular, people like you but they can't remember your name

7/10, you are popular but for the wrong reasons. You are considered a traitor since you are dating someone from a different school who's glee club is against our own. Because of this everyone knows who you are but you are severely bullied by everyone, even by people in glee which pisses Sebastian off and he offers to transfer JUST to stop the bullying.

0/10, you are both very unpopular, Marley because her mother is considered the town joke and you because everyone jokes over the fact that your parents are abusive and convicted murderers, you are both bullied and slushied on a daily basis and Marley wants to protect you since the bullying you receive is physical but she doesn't know how

10/10, Very popular, as a cheerleader people like you, you may not be on the cheerio's but you are a cheerleader for a professional football team rather than a school team so you became pretty popular and are considered school 'royalty' because of that.

12/10, You are kitty are both popular kids and everyone knows who you both are, everyone likes you because you are a genuinely good person despite being somewhat famous and people don't like Kitty because she is a bit of a bitch but everyone also notices that Kitty is nicer when you are around so you gained the nickname 'Kitty's angel' just because everyone thinks that you make Kitty a better person.

3/10, Unpopular, people bully you but Ryder protects you to the best of his ability.

4/10, Unpopular and Unique is too so she understands and stays by your side just so that people don't do anything stupid

6/10, In the middle, People know that you are a hybrid and that you are kind but they don't know your name or anything else about you.

40/10, VERY popular, everyone loves your photographs and buy the scenic ones from you, people also love that you are a genuinely nice person who is understanding towards everyone and there situations. Since all hybrids have an ability to tell when someone is lying, Tami makes sure nobody is lying when they mention a serious situation and if they are telling the truth then she always gives the photo for free.

1/10, unpopular, people hate you, Jane tries to defend you when she can but she is also unpopular so there isn't much she can do.

0/10, You are even more unpopular than Roderick, you are physically bullied everyday and Roderick comforts you as best as he can.

8/10, You are pretty popular, you are the nice girl of the school who is always willing to help those in need, heck you got a job just so you could help a stranger pay for their brothers hospital bills.

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