chapter 1

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I woke up in my bed with the dream of making this day better academically. Looking at my phone I checked if I got any message from anyone (Okay,not anyone but Seth)

What?!A girl can expect unexpected messages from her crush.

I sat lazily on my breakfast table checking my instagram. The fear of having weight gain is a nightmare for me.(now you really can imagine that I am typically a girlie girl)

Looking at my cereal bowl and then wall clock I decided to have a shower because I take long time for shower. I don't understand how can someone bath in just 10 minutes like what I read in novels usually.

After having my shower I decided that today I am just going to rock my look at college and being at the famous (which I don't care) university I know I should always dress properly...but then who cares as long as Seth is not in my college. I don't care about my looks but the result comes out to be that -one guy in my microbiology class keeps staring me with great intensity and knowing that he is the biggest jerk on this planet (Yeah! that was hyperbole but yes if he enter any such competition than I am sure he will atleast secure a place in semifinal) I would never give him any attention.

I entered the class dressed in a brown top which is almost backlace and a bit more deep from my side arm with a little frills from the chest part which gives a little cute look despite of being a sexy one and I paired it with skinny jeans.

I sat next to Jenny ignoring the others and quitely attended the lecture which ended soon. Phew. Thank God!

At last after attending all the lectures I sat infront of the computer watching some sappy show. Hmm... what can I say I am really a hopeless romantic person. Then I turned around to see my mom watching some news of a CEO who is 25 yrs of age(I read it on tv) who recently took over his Father's business was helding a party at his new owned mansion and blah blah what's the big fuss in that now people keeping party is not big deal. Why make headlines!

Rolling my eyes I poured myself a glass of water and then started my homework. After I finished my homework. I decided that now I should message Seth probably he won't reply right away like always. I hate when people don't message me on the spot but then with Seth I have to be patient not that he is my boyfriend or something but yes being my first crush I have to be the one taking step.

Me: heya

Seth: hey...ssup

Me: nothing much...just competed my reading...wbu?!

Seth: was partying at my cousins place

Me: Ooohh...

Seth: hey gotta go...ttyl


Me: ok...bye

How does he do even if he winks in the message here I am acting as if I got my world.

I decided to sleep but then some voice asked me from inside whether I should not be hiding my feelings for Seth or else it will be too late to confess...I decided that on Christmas night I will propose him.

Oh gosh! I have never done that never have I got any proposal but I have to do this. Now or never!

Christmas was near and I was nervous as hell. WHAT THE FUDGE!

I have never been this nervous.


After 4 months

"Daph" someone was calling me I turn around to see Kiara running towards me in a purple skinny gown and jumping like a baby elephant. Yes! She is healthy (fat).

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