Chapter Fourteen ▪️

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Sam wasn't 100% sure how he got here; sitting in some random dude's backyard eating cake. It was all a bit of a blur to be honest. One minute they were on the beach, the next they were driving to Richard's house for 'a talk'. Sam knew it was nuts, he knew it was absolutely crazy to let this stranger take them to his home, but- this guy knew Georgia. He could answer the questions that the two boys came here to get answered.

In all fairness, Richard had a very nice house. It wasn't anything extravagant, a little wooden building with two floors- but it was cosy. It had a homely feel to it- with brightly coloured pictures and paintings decorating the walls. And the garden was just stunning. Quite a large patch of grass which Richard had surrounded with the most gorgeous flowers- there was a little decking area by the back door, with some outdoor seating. And that's where the three of them were sat now, looking out to the ocean that you could see in the distance.

Richard seemed like a nice man too. He'd got them both a drink when they came through the door- a can from the fridge. And then he offered them cake. And of course they said yes because, who says no to cake? And it was beautiful cake. Rich, chocolaty sponge with milky buttercream lathered on the top- strawberries too. It was heavenly. And where Colby managed to control himself and stop after 1 slice, Sam had powered on and helped himself to 3 slices. Because, when in Hawaii.

"And then, thank the lord- Trey kind of... snapped out of it; and we managed to get out," Colby explained.

The brunette had just explained the events of the horrific kidnap/séance/near death experience night, whilst Sam sat staring at a little stone on the floor, trying desperately not to get lost in his head- as memories shot up from their hiding places and danced around in his brain. Colby seemed to notice his turmoil, because he felt Colby's foot gently knock against his under the little outdoor table they were sat at- a silent gesture; translating to 'I know this is hard, I'm here."

Sam smiled, knocking his foot into Colby's in response.

Richard was nodding thoughtfully at Colby's account, eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

"Sounds like quite the night," he spoke.

"You could say that," Colby sighed.

"And you say... Trey- was the one to let you free?" Richard asked.

"Yeah, he was- he was a good person, really. He didn't deserve to die," Colby muttered.

Richard scoffed.

Colby gave him a strange look. This man was- laughing? At Trey's death?

"Is something funny?"

"No, no! No, sorry- I'm sorry," Richard stumbled out.

Sam raised an eyebrow.

"I'm not- Clint's death was a tragedy," he continued.

Sam's stomach flipped.

"Trey," Colby corrected.

"Right, yes- of course."

Sam didn't like this anymore. Suddenly the house seemed darker, the sun disappeared behind a cloud and the view from the garden was less dazzling and the cake looked less and less appealing and the taste clinging to the insides of his mouth was too sweet but too bitter at the same time and-

"Where's your bathroom?" Sam asked.

"Upstairs, first door on the left," Richard answered, a puzzled look crossing his features when he looked at Sam.

"You okay dude?" Colby asked as Sam rose to his feet.

"Yeah, yeah I'm good. Too much cake, probably."

And that's when he saw it. When he looked over at Richard. The glint in his eye. The little smirk growing on his lips.

Oh god.

"Colby, I want to go."

"But I thought you-"

"No I want to go NOW Colby!"

Colby furrowed his eyebrows, standing up to stand next to his friend.

"Dude, we haven't even- he hasn't answered our questions or anything yet?" Colby said gently.

Sam felt hot. The sun was still behind that cloud though. He was sweating. He could feel it gathering under his shirt collar.

"I don't care. I want to go," Sam spoke firmly.

Colby sighed, disappointment flashing across his features.

Sam didn't dare look at Richard. Something wasn't right. That man wasn't right. And he should never have come here.

"Alright, alright- just... I'll get our stuff up together," Colby sighed.

Sam relaxed.

It was fine, they were going. They'd go back to their hotel, and stay there until their flight. Everything was ok.

Except one small thing. His stomach was churning. Like, really churning.

"I'm just going to- I'll be quick," Sam muttered, before turning and making his way into the house. Once he was out of sight, he started running. He sprinted up the stairs and stumbled into the bathroom, throwing his sweaty self over the toilet and emptying his stomach.

Nice timing, body.

He must've eaten too much cake. Or maybe it was just from the nerves. The nerves of seeing the same look in a man's eyes that he'd been given by Georgia as she tied him to the floor of a basement.

Sam shivered, resting his forehead on the toilet seat whilst he caught his breath. He could hear talking downstairs- Colby and Richard must have come in from outside.

Sam sighed, leaning back to flush the toilet. He felt so... ugh.

He leaned against the toilet to stand himself up, holding onto the wall once he did so. He went to put a foot forward to walk but- god no, bad idea, bad idea. Head spinning, stomach churning. He was boiling hot but he could feel the cold sweat sticking to his skin and the contrast was so, so odd. His ears popped, a ringing noise playing out as he leaned against the wall. The room was spinning- or was Sam spinning? He couldn't be sure.

Black dots. Black dots dancing around. And, oh. Black dots merging together. Forming a shape. Forming a- oh please no. A dark shadow, two red beady eyes.

Sam's legs gave way.

And now everything was black.

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