Chapter Fifteen ▪️

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"Dude would you hurry up!" Colby shouted from the bottom of the stairs.

For someone who wanted to leave 5 minutes ago, Sam was sure taking his sweet time up there.

"I'm very sorry if I upset your friend."             

Colby glanced back to where Richard was standing a few feet away, smiling apologetically.

"Don't worry about it- he's very... sensitive these days," Colby explained, leaning back against the wall.

"I should've known he couldn't cope with all this... coming back to this place," the brunette sighed.

Richard shook his head.

"No, no. Coming out here was the best thing you guys have done."

Colby raised an eyebrow, smiling politely before turning back to the stairs.


Richard chuckled- shortly, sharply- before turning around and making his way into the kitchen.

Colby sighed at the lack of response from his apparently death friend, and pulled his phone out of his back pocket; and oh wow-

Lots and lots of missed calls from Nate.

And a few from Alex.

Colby furrowed his brows. He'd sent Nate a text when they got here, telling him that they'd found this man called Richard to answer their questions. Then he'd switched his phone on silent, just so he could focus properly.

He nervously clicked Nate's contact and pressed the call button, holding the phone to his ear as he took a seat on one of the stairs.

Nate answered immediately.

"Hey man, what's up?"

"COLBY! Oh my fucking god dude!" Nate exclaimed loudly.

"Uh- nice to speak to you too?"

"Where are you?" Nate asked urgently.

"Um... still at Richards. Nate is everything-"

"You need to get out of there."

Colby's stomach dropped.


"Colby have you not seen the fucking news!"

"Nate what's going on?"

"They've found fingerprints at the Belle Estate. They belong to a guy named Richard Owens. His photos all over the internet!"

Colby was pretty sure his heart had stopped.

There's no way-

The brunette pulled the phone from his ear, flicking quickly onto the news app, refreshing the feed and... oh fuck.

Richards face.

On the first news article that popped up.

Oh shit.

This was fucking bad.

He bought the phone back up to his ear.

"Nate... Nate what the fuck do I do," Colby asked, speaking as quietly as he could- conscious of the fact Richard was only in the next room.

"Get out. Is Sam with you?" Nate instructed.

"He's in the bathroom."

"Right, well get Sam, and get the fuck out of that place. I'm booking a flight over there right now."

Colby wanted to protest, to tell Nate not to worry- not to spend all that money flying out. But, the brunette was terrified. He knew both he and Sam needed Nate right now.

"Leave NOW, Colby."

Colby ended the call, standing up and rushing up the stairs. He stood in front of the bathroom door, knocking.

"Sam! Sam dude come on. We have to leave! Right, fucking now!"


What was this man doing-?

"Sam! I'm serious."

Still nothing.

Colby groaned quietly, putting a hand on the door handle and pressing. When the door inched open, Colby internally thanked his blonde friend for not locking it.

"I'm coming in dude," the brunette muttered.

He pressed open the door. And, oh. No Sam. He couldn't see his friend, but then- oh. He looked down. And there was Sam. Sprawled out stomach first on the floor- eyes closed.

Colby was frozen.

Couldn't move even if he wanted to.

Sam wasn't moving.

Deadly still.


That thought made Colby spring forward, falling to his knees beside his friend. He placed a gentle hand on Sam's back, other hand going to his neck. He could've cried when he felt the reassuring pulse of life against his shaking fingertips.

"Sam... c'mon, please wake up."

He shook the blonde gently, rubbing his palm up and down the blondes back. Sam's face was deathly pale, but he could see the beads of sweat dribbling down his temples. He could feel how hot his body was under his hand.

"Sam, dude please. I'm here... it's okay, just please wake up."

The brunette placed his hand on the blonde's forehead, holding the sweaty strands of hair back as he felt the heat burning on his skin.

Colby gulped.

Not good. Definitely not good.

He needed to get out.

Needed to get Sam out.

Colby stood up- and oh. Bad idea apparently.

Colby clutched his head- god, now was not the time for a head rush.

But, it wasn't going away.

If anything, it was getting worse.

He pried his eyes open from where they were clenched shut and- oh.

The room was spinning.

Shit. Shit. Shit.

What was happening?

The brunette's legs felt like jelly- and oh, now they were giving way. He was falling, grasping the sink to keep himself upright, but his hands weren't strong enough and now he was on his knees next to Sam's still body.


Have to get Sam out.

But Colby couldn't even try lifting the blonde.

Not when... not when he felt so weird.

His head pounded harder.

The room span faster.

A figure in the doorway.

A familiar figure.


"What have you done to us..." Colby managed to slur out.

Richard smiled.


Colby's limp body laid next to Sam's.

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