Chapter Sixteen ▪️

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Colby's head was pounding as his eyes rolled around behind his eyelids.

It didn't take him long to realise what was going on.

He could feel the rope digging into his wrists, into his ankles, bounding him still.

The brunette's eyes peeled themselves open a crack- and he was greeted with slightly blurry vision. When his eyes focused, he realised they were still in Richards home; he recognised the décor.

And a slight tilt of his head downwards confirmed his suspicions- that he was once again tied up.

To a chair this time. So that's a slight upgrade from a cold basement floor.

Colby groaned, his head still spinning slightly as he pulled at the ropes bound around his wrists.

No use.

The brunette turned his head, almost jumping when he was met with another lifeless figure bound to a chair next to him. It took Colby a moment to process who it was- but the mop of messy blonde hair gave it away.

"Sam? Sam dude, wake up," Colby croaked- his voice sore and hoarse. His throat felt like sandpaper- but he had to get Sam to hear him.

"Sam, Sam bro c'mon- wake up!"

"I wouldn't bother."

Colby jumped, head whipping towards the voice but- oh god bad idea. His head was spinning again- confused by the quick movement. He slumped in the chair, squeezing his eyes shut as he felt a presence appear just behind him.

"He's out cold."

Colby forced his eyes open, looking back- slowly this time- over his shoulder. Richard was standing in the doorway, smirking- eyes gleaming.

"What have-"

Another wave of dizziness cut him off.

Richard laughed. Actually laughed. Like this whole situation was some funny comedy movie from Netflix.

"Why... Sam!" Colby called again, but his friend stayed just as lifeless as before.

"Didn't I tell you not to bother?"

Colby turned his pounding head and glared.

"What have you done to him?" the brunette demanded.

"The same thing I did to you."

A shiver shot down the brunettes spine, chills erupting on his tanned skin.

"Drugged you. Easy peasy."

The brunette felt sick. His hands clenched into fists as he racked his brains for what they ate or drank whilst they were here. They had a couple drinks- but they watched him make them; watched the sealed can come out of the fridge. What did they eat? Oh. The cake.

"The cake..." Colby muttered.

"You were only supposed to have one slice. Would've been enough. But blondie went a bit overboard."

The brunette's eyes squeezed shut.

"You're insane," he spat.

No response. Just that stupid smirk again.

"Let us go. I mean it," Colby demanded.

"I don't think you're in any position to be asking for anything," Richard taunted, as he walked around to the other side of the room, so he was facing Colby.

The brunette glanced over at Sam one more time, but he was still out cold- chin on his chest. Part of the brunette hoped the blonde would stay asleep. Because if he woke up and felt the rope around his wrists he was going to go absolutely mental.

"Why isn't he waking up?" Colby asked hesitantly.

Richard shrugged. The brunette clenched his fists.

"Answer me," he demanded.

Richard smirked.


Richard laughed.


"No can do."

"I mean it-"

"I'd calm down if I were you."

"Or what?" Colby challenged.

"I'll slip you some more salvia. You can see some more hippies, your friend here could have some more encounters with his friend the shadow man."

The brunette froze. How-

"How did you..."

"I've been watching you, Colby Brock. Following you, for months. I knew, I knew you would both come running back if you had a reason..."


"That morning you saw the hippy. I slipped some in your coffee. Left some burning in Sam's car when he got his cast removed. He saw the shadow man that day. I put some in your drinks at that party. Worked a treat."

The brunette felt tears well in his eyes. They thought they were going insane- but they were being played. Again.


Richard raised an eyebrow.



The brunette froze, head whipping around to see two scared blue eyes staring back at him.

"Sam! Sam, hey, it's okay..."

The blonde's hazy eyes drifted downwards, and Colby winced at the panic that erupted in his eyes when he saw he was tied up again. Bound. Helpless.

"Sam, Sam- dude look at me. Hey, it's going to be okay. I promise."

The blonde's eyes were filling with tears, and Colby could feel some bubbling in his as well.

"Isn't that sweet."

Colby tore his eyes off his friend to glare at Richard.

"We know what you did," the brunette spat.

"Oh yeah?" Richard smirked.

"You- you killed him... you tricked us," Colby spoke, crescent shaped indents appearing on his palms from how hard he was pressing his nails into his skin.

"Wasn't that difficult."

Colby turned back to Sam, who was crying real tears now. Big, fat tears that rolled down his rosy cheeks flushed from fever.

"You were both so naïve. So... trusting. I didn't expect you to accept my offer to come back here. Would've thought you'd learnt from... past experiences."

Colby glared harder.

"We trusted you, you dickhead! Why! Why did you-"

"He deserved to die."

Colby scoffed. Sam sniffled.

"He wasn't right for Georgia. She just wanted him to replace her precious Clint."

Colby didn't argue with that, because well- let's be honest it's the truth.

"If it wasn't for him... if it wasn't for him and you and your stupid friends; she'd still be here. Georgia would still be alive," Richard spat.

Colby blinked.

"I loved her! I loved her and she chose him. Some kid from Los Angeles, when she could have had me."

Colby almost felt bad. Almost.

If this dude wasn't holding them hostage, maybe he'd feel bad. Maybe.

"You two... you two took the most important thing in my life away from me," Richard started.

Colby looked back at Sam, who looked equally as terrified as he felt.

"So, now. I'm going to take yours."

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