𝟔. 𝐀 𝐟𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐢𝐚𝐫 𝐟𝐚𝐜𝐞 𝐟𝐭. 𝐥𝐢𝐛𝐫𝐚𝐫𝐲 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐨𝐬

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━━━━━ IT WAS VERY LATE AT NIGHT WHEN KIM JOOYOUNG ENTERED HER APARTMENT IN A FURIOUS STATE. The sting on her cheek reminded her of the humiliation she had to face as Han Seojin had slapped her after finding Youngjae's diary in his ipad.

Taking in deep breaths, she bit her lower lip to control herself from lashing out. After feeling like she was calm enough, she placed her bag on the counter before turning to put on her favourite piece of classical music that always helped her think straight - the Erlkönig by Schubert.

Hearing the complex melody fill up the apartment, Jooyoung turned back to walk towards the fridge to take out some wine. Pouring herself a glass, she took a small sip of the wine, letting herself enjoy the rich taste of the wine as well as the violin playing in the background. However, soon her mind began to flood with the memories from that certain day.

Jooyoung was hired by Myungjoo to be the coach for Youngjae at that time. The way Youngjae suffered from stress and depression due to the constant pressure from both of his parents to get into SNU, made him very vulnerable, a perfect target for her to achieve her goal.

The constant stress had taken a toll on him as he couldn't focus on his studies. And since he had no proper adult person around him to whom he could open up to completely, Jooyoung took advantage of this weakness of Youngjae.

It was the perfect start to the execution of her plan. Since Youngjae refused to study because of burnout, Jooyoung manipulated him into a way of igniting the fire for revenge in him. She told him the story of three brothers who fulfilled their parents' dreams but crushed them when they were the happiest.

The loud ringing of her phone brought her back to her senses. Reaching across the counter to get her phone out from her bag, she stared at the contact's name that was staring right back at her from her brightened screen - Park Youngjae.

She stared at her screen for a moment before declining the call as well as blocking the number before going back to finish her wine.


It kept getting harder by the second for Eunae to focus on her studies when Kijoon's loud voice kept disturbing everyone in the library. The whole group of teens excluding Yebin and Soohan had decided to study in the library that Sunday morning.

It was barely 10 in the morning and Kijoon had not once shut his mouth since the moment they entered the library. Usually, he wasn't much of a nuisance during the past studying sessions but it was like something had possessed him today. Eunae was once again having a headache from the lack of sleep due to the late-night adventure that she and Seojoon decided to take.

Even though Eunae was accustomed to her dumbass best friend's daily antics, this was becoming unbearable slowly. Laying down the pen in her hand, Eunae slowly pinched the bridge of her nose as she let out a sigh. And it wasn't that he was interrupting other people, he was solely targeting Yeseo, seemingly throwing taunts in the middle of being weird before continuing his shenanigans again.

"There's something called shutting the fuck up, did you know such a thing exists?" Yeseo ridiculed Kijoon.

"Oooh look at the princess cursing out us peasants," Kijoon stood up as he bent over to salute mockingly, "Forgive us lowly beings, your Highness. We didn't mean to ruin your first-time visit to the local area."

Not wanting to deal with his idiocy, Yeseo just ignored the hooligan and went back to studying after she put on her noise-cancelling headphones. She was slowly beginning to regret coming here in the first place. It wasn't like she hadn't been warned by Eunae when she brought up the topic of joining the weekly studying session in the library. However, she insisted and now she was really close to either choking the guts out of the irritating boy or bashing his head onto the table really hard.

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