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"How exactly did you meet my Nana again?" I asked the young, and undeniably very handsome doctor beside me.

"Miss Naydeen, your grandma's closest friend introduced us. I was the resident doctor of Pine Creek Memorial Hospital, when the Green Pastures Retirement Home offered me a competitive salary to be their private doctor at the facility.

"Miss Blanche arrived a day after I took the position offered to me. She decided back then that the retirement home was more to her liking than staying alone here, at her grand but cozy house. Miss Naydeen dragged your grandmother to my office and insisted that I give her a check up just to make sure that all was well with her, health-wise that is.

"It was also then that miss Blanche offered me her home, after learning that I was given a closet of a room at the Green Pastures. She had me convinced when she said the word 'privacy'... pertaining to my bachelor life that needed to be kept separate from my chosen profession." He smiled.

"I see. And this was how long ago, if I may ask?"

"Six months today, to be exact." He replied taking a sip from his champagne flute. I nibbled on crackers with liver spread and black olives as we stood opposite each other, framing the oak french doors that opened to a wide balcony overlooking the setting sun.

"I've forgotten how beautiful the view is." I whispered, my eyes taking in the pastel colors of the pink, yellow, and lavander sky.

"It certainly is. Beautiful." The doctor replied.

"So. I guess we're housemates then! Since you are using the guestroom, it would seem that I have no other option but to use the master's bedroom where my Nana used to stay. I'm well aware that Nana's room has her own bathroom, and therefore I shall try to stay clear of the bathroom at the end of the hall that's intended for your use." I turned back to look at the doctor, noticing that his gaze has not left my face since we started talking.

"It is your house now Jade. You can do whatever you want."

"Still, I saw the contract my Nana signed stating that your stay here was paid for a year in advance. The money you paid her was used in turn to pay Green Pastures, as I've learned after speaking with the accounting office at the retirement home today. Thank you for all your help doctor Jones."

"Jasper. Please. Doctor Jones is only for my patients, not my friends... which I hope to consider you to be?"

"Ofcourse. Friends. Jasper it is then." I extended my hand out to shake his warm, smooth, but rather large hand.

"I truly am sorry that we had to meet under such sad circumstances." He looked sadly at me, his eyes warm and bright.

"Thank you for your sympathy, and for taking care of my Nana when she was still... while she was..." I trailed off, still unable to say the word out loud.

"She was a kind woman. A good person. She will be missed." He gave my hand a final squeeze, before letting go.

"She is. She was. I was surprised to see less than fifty people at her funeral, I thought there'd be more."

"The town of Pine Creek is a small town. Less than a thousand in population. I believe the number of people who came to pay their final respects awhile ago was a good turnout. It proved miss Blanche had good friends, though small in number, they were loyal and true to her... till the last minute."

"Well, I guess the worst is over then. Tomorrow, I'm off to see the lawyer for the reading of Nana's last will and testament."

"And after that?"

"I fly back to New York. I wouldn't want to inconvenience you any further with my presence here." I smiled.

"Oh please, it's no bother. You're actually great company."

"Thank you. I find your presence most... charming as well. Anyways, I think I'll retire for the night? We have more than enough food from the caterers, please help yourself."

"Thanks Jade. I'll try not to wake you up with my snoring." He chuckled.

"Seriously, I'm perfectly fine with noise! New York has never given me a minute of silence."

"Still, you need your beauty rest. I shall try to be as quiet as a mouse."

"Alrighty then. Lock up before you retire to bed, okay?"

"Pine Creek has low to none existent crime rate, but if it makes you feel any better I shall lock the door and windows later."

"Thank you, Jasper. Goodnight?"

"Goodnight Jade. And welcome... home."

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