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"There you go. That should do it." Jasper said smiling after patting the band aid he placed on a small kid's knee.

"Will I live doctor?" The little girl asked, looking all serious while batting her eyelashes at Jasper.

"'Till the ripe old age of a hundred. Now go, play with the others." He lifted the little girl down from the rather high chair she sat on.

"Another satisfied client! I think she may have a little crush on you too." I giggled, holding a first aid kit to give the next patient.

"So you admit to having a crush on me?"

"I said no such thing." I frowned at him. "Hey, I'm gonna make a quick trip to the pick up truck and get more of these kits for the next patients. Will you be ok here?"

"Yeah! Take Jarrod with you. He needs to flex those idle muscles instead of eating all the pies and pastries your Nana's farmhands brought today." He started chatting with Denver, the guy whose main produce is pumpkin and water melons.

I walked to where Jarrod was busy stuffing his face with bacon and egg pie to ask his help in hauling several boxes of first aid kits for us to give away.

"Oh good. Looks like you've saved up enough energy to manage carrying a few boxes. Care to help me?"

"Only if I get another hug. A longer one at that." He answered with his mouth full.

"You really love to torment your brother don't you? Help me carry them boxes and I'll think about it."

"I was kidding. Of course I'll help." We walked slowly towards the parked truck to start our main objective.

"So. How are you Jarrod? Enjoying your stay with us so far?"

"Your cooking alone makes me want to stay forever. Getting every chance to pester my brother is another." He chuckled.

"Why oh why must you always try to irritate him so?"


"What?" I asked, confused.

"I was the smaller, less active, less brainy, less attractive one between the two of us while we were growing up. Before our parents separated us, we were like Tom and Jerry. He used to play tricks on me to make me cry. When I did, he always found a way to make me laugh and forget about what a jerk he was."

"Don't all siblings do that?" I asked, scratching my forehead.

"Well if it's normal, Jasper took it to a whole new level. He decided he would be the better son. At an early age, his grades in school were off the charts. His trophies, medals, and awards made my achievements seem dull. Everyone admired him. I was just the twin nobody noticed.

"And then we got separated. Before we stepped into middle school, our parents decided to part ways. Each taking one offspring to raise. My mom outright declared that she wasn't going to be separated from Jasper. So my dad had no choice but to take me. I guess he regrets being stuck with me.

"When puberty hit, I was an angry, curious, uncontrollable mess of a human being, while Jasper continued to outshine me despite the distance between us. I could never hold a candle to his brilliant spotlight."

"Has your dad, or mom, ever told you that you were below what they wanted for a son?" I asked, saddened by his confession.

"No. That's what hurt the most. Seeing the disappointment in their eyes, even though they tried to hide it with sweet words of encouragement and bright smiles. But I knew they wished I was more like Jasper."

"Oh Jarrod, sometimes we project our opinions of ourselves on others. Maybe, you just think they feel this way about you when in fact... it's all in your head. I know for certain Jasper loves you. The way he planned to skip all his obligations for several days, just so he can spend time with you tells me he really values you, and the time you guys spend together."

"That's the worst thing about all this. Jasper is the very first person who always comes to my defense. The first even to be happy for my small achievements. The only person whose eyes have never judged me in any way, but always, always, understood me."

"Then what's all this about?"


"What! How'd I get into the picture." I asked, clearly surprised.

"Besides Jasper, I've never felt anyone genuinely care for me. Looking in on me the first night I stayed at your place to check if I was comfortable with the sleeping arrangements. Cooking lunch for me while Jasper ate at the retirement home. Coming along with me to the pharmacy to make sure I don't shoulder the blame alone if I bought something wrong. Or driving me to this affair instead of going with Jasper."

"Well, you're Jasper's brother... and my friend. What did you expect? That I'd just leave you to walk here?" I smiled, and ruffled his hair.

He reached for my hand, and covered it with his, then began to speak more earnestly.

"I know you'd think that this is all too soon, but I think I've fallen for you Jade... I've fallen for you."

And suddenly, I was at a loss for words.

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