"Wine and Dessert..."

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"Wow! Something smells good in here."

"Oh thanks, I just got out of the shower about..."

"I meant the food Jade. I meant the food." He stood there smiling as I ran the pasta through tap water to abruptly stop its cooking process, ensuring that it doesn't turn soggy.

"Well I bet I smell better! But hey, you wanted food so my spaghetti will be ready in a bit." I replied, tipping the strainer one last time to completely drain the hot pasta.

I felt him come up to me from behind to see what I was doing, I could feel the heat from his chest more than the heat coming from the steaming noodles.

"You know what? You may be right, I think you smell better." I felt his breath tickle my right ear.

"Oh my gosh doc! Is that a bottle, or are you just enormously happy to see me?"

"Oh yeah, I brought chardonnay... I hear it goes well with pasta." He answered raising the dark green bottle.

"Excellent choice. Come, sit." I brought the warm pasta in a ceramic white bowl with transparent plastic tongs to the dinner table as Jasper took out two crystal wine glasses from the nearby wooden cupboard.

I turned back quickly to the kitchen to take the tray of garlic bread out of the toaster oven, sprinkled it with a pinch of finely chopped parsley, then laid it neatly on a crystal platter.

"Need help?" Jasper asked as he poured us both the bubbly stuff.

"No, no. I've got it all under control. Sit. Tell me about your day." I replied, arranging the food so there's still some room for the spaghetti sauce, and my cheese cupcakes for dessert.

"Well, for starters everyone at the retirement home is doing well... health-wise."

"That's good to know." I rushed back to the kitchen to fetch the clear Pyrex where the spaghetti sauce was at a simmer. Switching the stove off before putting on pot holders, I then carefully carried the hot sauce to where Jasper was nibbling on a garlic bread.

"You've been slaving the whole morning to impress me with how good a cook you are, haven't you?" He said, looking pleased at the consistency and mix of ingredients he saw in the sauce I just placed gently before him.

"Nonsense. I wasn't slaving. More like enjoying my time in the kitchen. Dig in, I'll be right back with my freshly baked cheese cupcakes for dessert." I announced, slipping off my pot holders, and giving Jasper a wide smile.

"Who needs dessert when I've got you?" I heard him whisper as he took ahold of the tongs and clamped them twice before attacking the pasta.

"What was that?"

"What was what?" He looked up at me.


"That what?"

"What you just said about dessert?" I insisted.

"I said hurry up and get the dessert so we could start eating. I'm hungry." Jasper answered trying to avoid my stares.

"Fine. Be like that." I turned back to take the cupcakes out of the convection oven, their sweet aroma filling the air immediately.

"Oh wow! Do you intend to fatten me up?"

"I'm sure you'd still look good, fat or not." It was too late for me to take it back, as Jasper's face lit up with a mischievous smirk.

"Someone's got a crush on me."

"Shut up, or you're not getting any dessert." I sat down to his right, and picked up my glass of wine.

"I propose a toast. To your cooking expertise, and my outstanding bedside manners. To cuddles, and falling towels. To wine, and dessert. But most of all... to friendship, and wherever it might lead." He winked.

"To friendship." I chuckled and raised my glass to clink with his.

"So, how was your day?" He asked as he took his first bite of the spaghetti before closing his eyes, and then kissing his fingers to signify that the food was magnificent. I chuckled at his antics before picking up my fork.

"The meeting with the lawyer went well." I replied, looking down at my plate momentarily while deciding whether to reach for the garlic bread first or the pasta.

"Uhm. And?"

"And what?"

"And what's your next move? What're your plans?"

"I don't know. Well, not just yet. I mean, your contract with Nana doesn't expire after a year. Your payment was paid for a year in advance, but Nana made it clear in the contract that you have the option to extend if and when you wished to."

"That was my agreement with miss Blanche. You own this house now. If you want me to leave, I can do so any time. The small room at the retirement home is still pretty much unoccupied. I can always just transfer there." He explained, taking a sip of his drink.

"You'd really do that?"

"Of course. Just say the word."

"I was thinking of selling the house. But I was worried I'd inconvenience you if I abruptly asked you to leave."

"Well then, worry not. I'll be fine. I will probably miss you going through the trouble of cooking for me but then again..."

"I'm not even sure if everything is to your liking." I laughed.

"Jade... you tirelessly made this meal for me. I'd like it, even if it came without dessert or wine. This is special. You are special. Thank you." His expression was honest, and his smile warm.

We clinked glasses one more time before we ate in silence... constantly stealing glances at each other.

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