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"Been a year since you left me. It still hurts. I can't seem to shake the pain away. The void, it's... I'm not okay losing you."

There were no tears, but the pain remained.

I looked up at the trees where the birds sang with beautiful different chirping tunes. The sun was shining. Its rays mild, not scorching.

"Nana? How did you do it?" I asked, sitting on the slab of elevated cement that served as a bench a foot away from her tombstone. A bouquet of bright yellow tulips in my arms to lay before her intricately carved black name later.

"Not only did you take good care of me when you were still alive, but you even found a great guy to look after me now that you can no longer be around to take care of me."

I smiled as a gentle breeze blew to caress me. It reminded me of her warm hugs, and her bright smile.

"He's now the main man at the retirement home, Nana. Miss Naydeen abdicated her throne and left her handsome nephew to take the reigns. He still jokes about a lot of things, but he's dead serious when talking about work, and his patients. His dedication is unparalleled. His loyalty, incomparable.

"I love him Nana... he thinks highly of you." Another gentle breeze blew, and I sighed.

"He loves me too, you know? He had a hard time telling me that. The dork! He's such a mess when it comes to talking about emotions and serious stuff. I mean, the guy knows how to flirt and kid around... but give him raw, honest, sincere emotions... and he freezes like a deer in headlights.

"He loves me Nana. He really does. I see it in his eyes, how they light up when he sees me. In the smile that almost cracks his face up, each time I tell a funny story. But most of all, I feel it everyday in his caring, thoughtful ways. He loves me."

I heard tire tracks stop somewhere nearby, and I knew he's come to pick me up. Early, as usual.

"By the way, I've divided your sprawling property. I made your lawyers distribute the land titles amongst the families that have for years managed Jenner Plantation. I wanted to give them the security and guarantee that they will never lose their land. They're no longer farmhands... they're now land owners.

"Don't worry about me. I still have more than twenty hectares to my name, the Blanche Manor, as well as a hefty amount of money in the bank... thanks to you. I'll be fine Nana. Don't worry."

Footsteps made scrunching sounds in the walkways as it approached me.

"Hey. You okay?" I looked up to see his adorably cute concerned face.

"I am now." I smiled.

"We better get going. They've prepared the open space nearest the road as you requested, and turned it into a lively marketplace where the farmhands have arranged their different produce to sell." He exclaimed excitedly.

"Land owners." I corrected him.

"Thanks to you." He sat down beside me. "Your Nana would be proud of you. She raised a kind, generous, amazingly caring human being."

"She knows that. I was lucky to have been raised by her. She was the best."

"So... New York?" He suddenly turned anxious, as always when something serious reared its ugly head.

"Stop worrying. I'm not going back. Ever." He looked puzzled.

"I resigned. I submitted my resignation letter yesterday. I knew, after the lawyers informed me they were able to secure licenses and permits for our marketplace that I am still needed here... to help everyone in this new venture.

"Ed still remains in-charge of everything, with a hefty salary coming from the combined sales of the various produce. But I need to oversee the transactions to see that no one gets left out, or left behind. Everyone must succeed together, everyone must benefit."

"You really care for these people. Don't you?"

"For years, they've toiled under my family's control. Never complaining. Always willing to give more than expected. It's time they reaped the rewards."

"You are amazing. You know that? How could I be so lucky to have you for my fiancé."

"Fiancé?" I asked, surprised.

Jasper slowly knelt infront of where I sat. Fishing a small velvet black box from the front pocket of his jeans, he began to nervously clear his throat.

"As you well know, I'm uh... am not one for cheesy, cringey, flowery words. Not because I don't like them, I'm just not that adequate in that department. So I'll make this short.

"I love you. That much I can honestly say without having to sweat that I said it wrongly.

"I want to wake up cuddled to you every morning, and go to sleep entangled in the sheets with you each night.

"I want to drop my towel before you, not afraid you'd judge my naked wet form, but long for my needy touch and hungry kisses.

"Every today spent with you is a joy I would never get tired of, until it is replaced with a sweeter, brighter, happier tomorrow.

"So..." He reached for my hand, and shakily placed a shiny titanium band on my ring finger. "Stay with me? Until our next never ending tomorrows."

I stared at the ring, it gleamed on my finger, demanding attention. A simple testament, that someone has tied his life, his heart, his soul to mine. A constant reminder of his love... his promise.

"Until our next never ending tomorrows. I will. I accept. I do. I promise... to love, only you." I smiled, before his kiss claimed my willing lips in a promise of a blissful life... together.

<3<3<3  The End  <3<3<3

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