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"Just a minute." I said to the person on the other side of the door when the doorbell rang a few times.


"Jasper! Did you forget your key?"

"No, actually I'm..."

"Is that a cake?"

"For you. I know it's not as half as yummy as the ones you make. I just thought for once you could relax a bit instead of thinking of what to make for dessert, so I brought you one." Did he blush?

"Awww... that's so sweet." I hugged him before moving aside so he could come in to the house.

"Sorry for dropping in unannounced..."

"Are you crazy? You're just in time for dinner! I made us some baked mussels, with grilled lamb chops, and mashed potatoes. And you already brought a cake home for dessert, so we're good to go. Come in, and wash your hands."

"It really smells good in here."

"Thank you. Now hurry up, I'll bring everything to the table. Nice haircut by the way, it looks good on you. Plus you should wear t-shirts more often, you look less stuffy... boyishly cute, actually."

"Thank you. That's really flattering to hear."

"So are those some of the stuffs you had in your office? I mean, your knapsack and tote bag looks full."

"Just a few things I'll be needing for the few days..."

"When your younger brother comes to visit? Right, right. I almost forgot about that." I said, placing the baked mussels on the dining table.

"The offer still stands though right?"

"Of course! He's more than welcome to stay here. I just hope he can put up with my mediocre cooking."

"He should be happy you're even offering him a place to stay. You're much too generous."

"He's your brother. If he's as half as good-looking and fun to be with as you, then I'm the lucky one to even meet him."

"You're just saying that. I hope he doesn't disappoint you."

"He won't. I'm sure he'll be a great guy... just like you. Now sit, let's eat before this meal gets cold. Oh wait, are you in the mood for red or white wine?"

"Uh, how 'bout I pass on the wine. Just for tonight. I can do with soda though."

"Oh. Ok. Uhm, soda it is then."

We ate comfortably, discussing what it was like before he transfered here to Pine Creek. How his divorced parents were doing, and how he grew up with his mom while his brother was raised by his dad.

He mentioned that it was his mom's dream to have a doctor in the family, and he felt obliged to give her that while his brother was left free to decide what he wanted to do with his life on his own.

He further mentioned how he was stuck being the professional in the family while his younger brother went to join a rock band called "Skeletons in the Closet", and have been quite successful in the music industry since they started.

Jasper also mentioned how he stayed single after his first and only girlfriend ran off with her yoga instructor five years ago, and how his younger brother seemed to fail one relationship after another.

I learned so much during that dinner time than I had in the last few days the good doctor and I have been together.

"That was the best meal anyone's ever made for me. It doesn't even come close to the ones my mom made for special occasions." Jasper said as he washed the dishes, and I stood drying them with a kitchen towel beside him.

"Stop, you're gonna make me blush!" I chuckled.

"Honestly it is. Whoever you end up with as your partner in life is going to be very lucky."

"Because I can cook?"

"No! Because you're kind to let a stranger crash at your place. Generous to cook for someone who's not a family member. And because you make people feel welcome, and happy in your presence. Makes me wanna hug you right now."

I opened my arms to welcome him into my arms, and we gave each other a tight friendly hug for a bit longer than I anticipated.

"I didn't notice you had a tattoo. You didn't strike me as someone who liked getting inked." I said, putting a bit of distance between us though we still held each other loosely.

"Oh, this? It's a silly thing I got a long time ago. It's a skeleton, playing an electric guitar." He smiled.

"Why'd you choose that?" I asked as we both heard the front door open, and someone enter the house.

"What's the meaning of this!" The newly arrived Jasper asked from the doorway to the kitchen where I was hugging a guy who looked identical to him.

"Everyone in the band had a tattoo of a skeleton with the instrument they played. Mine was the guitar, so there. Hi big bro!" The stranger moved away from me to hug a frowning Jasper.

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