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as a sapling grows
it hides from the sun.

Like a child,
Its roots hug tightly
to those who have grown.
Those who have come to know this life already.

beams of light peak through
the wide leaves of those who
are now,
not so much bigger
than she.

just as a child will
learn to grow,
learn to feel.
She feels the sun

And while she fears at first—
with each beam that brings
exhilarating life
she finds herself wanting more.

With each passing day
she befriended the sun she once feared.

Finding beauty in the sun's gold
The sun introduced
her to the rain.

Finding beauty in the rain's pearls
The rain introduced
her to the storm.

Finding beauty in the storm's ferocity
The storm introduced
her to the winter.

Except, the growing tree could not yet find
what was beautiful about the winter

She watched as her leaves withered
Her stems become fragile
she wanted to wrap her roots
the warmth of those wiser,

But she couldn't.

The young palm found herself
too old to seek comfort
too young to offer any.


she was forced to seek what lessons
could be found ahead
In the cold
beneath thick layers of piling snow

as her body grew pale
and her leaves too frail
to withstand this.

It was then
she could finally see the beauty.
Even where she believed
there couldn't lie any

So now
when the sun came out
she held the sunshine a bit more tenderly

For she learned that it is when
all beauty is taken away
She could find gratitude then
for the cold wind
that carried away death

and the sun that
brought life to her bones.

Finding beauty in the winter's hardship,
The winter introduced her to life.

A story she will write
fearlessly, all on her own. 

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