Private speaking.

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Happy mothers day everyone! 💕 but in this au i forgot to mention raccooninnit is in here so tommy is part raccoon :)
By the way bold is tubbo, underline is tommy, italics is ranboo and italic bold is ghostbur

I quickly ran with technos items in my inventory, hoping he didnt chase after me. I finally got out of the snowy tundra and went straight to l'manburg.

We finally left snowchester to go and find tommy, as we had to talk about something with him. I could tell ranboo was uneasy but i didnt know why, maybe hes worried about micheal. We reached l'manburg after a while and spotted tommy talking to ghostbur. We slowly walked over to them and greeted tommy and ghostbur cheerfully

I ran into ghostbur i few minutes after getting into l'manburg and started talking to him. He seemed upset by something and told me he lost friend. We were about to go search for friend when i saw tubbo and ranboo walking up to us.

"Hey guys! What are you doing in l'manburg? Arent you supposed to ve in snowchester right now?"
"Oh hey tubbo and.. ranboo.."
"Hello ghostbur! We need to talk to tommy for a while, we have found out something important we need to share with eachother privately."
"Oh, ok! Bye tommy!"

Ranboo stayed silent the entire time. He was acting suspicious and i didnt like that. I was going to ask if something was wrong but i decided to stay quiet. I wonder what they want to talk to me about right now? I mean, ghostburs right, they should be in snowchester right now talking to foolish and getting plans for rooms and other stuff right? They said it was important and should be in private, oh god i hope they dont know im gonna blow up snowchester.

"Ok tommy follow us to snowchester!"
"Uhh, yeah right."

323 words!

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