chapter 9- Harry not being awkward for once (21st-22nd)

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Chapter 9- Harry not being awkward for once (21st - 22nd)

"Are you coming?" I questioned while existing Ron's room. "Yeah-yeah I'll be down in a minute." He stumbled over his words. I reached the bottom of the staircase to see five smiling faces staring back at me. "Soooo?" Hermione asked. "So what?" I responded trying to seem confused as to what she was asking about. "Did you kiss, you nitwit!" Ginny hollered out. Harry choked on his coco. He began coughing uncontrollably. Once he was finished and could breathe again, he simply asked, "Do you like Ron?" My eyes widened at his statement. "No, he is my best friend." I answered innocently avoiding the question, Fred and George rolled their eyes, "Oh bloody hell Kaleigh! Yes, Harry, she is in love with him." Fred explained. I walked over and punched him on the shoulder. He let out a short yelp and rubbed the spot where I hit him. I took a glass of coco and sat down on the couch. The fire was warm, so was my coco. I messed with the hem of Ron's sweater and smiled when I looked at the gold R displayed on my chest. Ginny noticed my smile, "You like that sweater, don't you?" she inquired. My head shot up fast, I felt blood rush into my face. "I- umm- I" I was tripping over every syllable that came out of my mouth. Right then, Ron had come up behind me, I didn't notice him until he hopped over the back of the couch landing right next to me. He placed his arm around my shoulders and answered Ginny's question for me, "I like her in this sweater." I turned my head to him; all he did was smirk at me before starting a conversation with Harry. The twins, who were in their own conversation, turned their attention to Ron and I. "Woah! What do we have here?" Fred asked George while eyeing Ron's arm around me. "I think we have a new couple in our midst Freddie." Ron's head turned to them so quickly. "What are you two talking about?" He said in a strong voice as he stood up from, his chair with his hands now clenched into a fist. Ron faced the twins, he was eye to eye with them, he looked furious. Ron could be very intimidating, if you said something bad about his friends or his family, he did not hesitate to hit you, that was one of the areas he and I are alike. He stared them both down, the twins slowly backed down and sat back on the couch. Ron walked out towards the kitchen. I got up and followed him not before shoving both twin's heads. What has gotten into them?

I walked into the kitchen and saw Ron sitting on the counter with his head in his hands. I knocked against the banister to alert him that I was here. He looked up from his hands and quickly put his head back down.

"Are you ok?" I asked in a quiet calmly tone.

"Yeah... I am fine, just sick of them that's it." He mumbled. I picked my body up and sat down next to him placing my head on his back. "It is just, they keep tormenting me, they made fun of how excited I was that you were spending the break with us, they keep singing that stupid song to me, and even when you fell and I was carrying you they kept joking about it, and they keep calling you, my girlfriend! Even though you aren't my girlfriend we are just friends!" The last part of his sentence was loud and caused my heart to drop to the floor, I pulled my hand off his back and placed it down in my lap. We sat in silence for a second as we both slowly processed what he had just said "I didn't mean it like that I just-" I hopped down from the counter and cut his apology off. "It is ok, I am used to people not wanting me anyways." I walked back over to the living room and sat down on the couch. I forced back my tears, I knew it.

That night flew by rather quickly. I had changed out of his R sweater before dinner and left it on his bed. We sat next to each other but did not say a word. I went upstairs rather early and got ready for sleep. I didn't tell Hermione or Ginny what happened in the kitchen. I thought things were looking good for us, I thought I may have a chance to admit my feelings but he was livid about people calling me his girlfriend. Boys are so confusing! That night I laid awake for hours, eventually made the decision to go downstairs and look at the moon again. I reached the bottom floor of the Burrow and opened the curtains letting the light flood the room once again. I sat down on the couch and pulled a knitted blanket over my legs. Once again memories flooded my head. All the events that had happened over this break. Seeing each other again, our Diagon Alley date, when we danced together like no one was watching, when I fell asleep in his arms, the time we almost kissed, our bracelet-making session, the amortentia adventures, and him taking care of me after my fall. All the little details circled around my head, I began to cry, I was crying over what he had said to me, I was crying over what I had said to him. The words replayed in my head over and over again. 'I am used to people not wanting me anyways.' I thought that statement over, it was true, but I shouldn't have said that to him. I hurt him, but he hurt me first or did he hurt me, was I just overacting? Tears streamed down my face, but I did not dare make a sound. I can't believe I am actually crying over someone! I placed my head in my hands as more and more questions flooded my senses. I glance up to look at the moon, which was now hidden by clouds, all the light in the room had vanished.

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