chapter 21- the party pt.2 (31st-1st)

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a/n: this is a longggg chapter so bear with me. Also, it contains a make-out scene so yeah! :)

Kaleigh's POV

I took his hand as we walked over to greet our guests. Dean and Seamus walked over to us. "So, you two are together?" Dean asked while Seamus stood there waiting for an answer. I turned to face Ron. He looked back at me equally as confused. "We didn't tell anyone." I said covering my mouth with my hand. Ron looked shocked. "No one from school knows." He said. We both started laughing. I turned back to Dean. "We started dating at Christmas." I said with a smile. Ron wrapped his arm around my waist as he struck up a conversation with the two of them. I saw Angelina out of the corner of my eye. I kissed Ron's cheek as I slipped out of his grasp. I made my way over to her and gave her a hug.

"Hey! How are you!" I said as we pulled apart.

"I am good. Thank you for inviting me to your party." She said with a simple smile.

"Of course! I am so glad you can make it! You look so pretty by the way." I complimented. She had a baby pink dress on that accented her skin tone nicely.

"Me? Please you look stunning in that dress I mean look at you! I would be surprised if Lee doesn't try and kiss you at midnight." She said with a smug smile.

"Thank you but I won't be kissing Lee. I have a boyfriend actually." Before she could even ask who I was dating, Ron came up behind me. He wrapped his arms around my waist before greeting Angelina.

"Hey Angelina, glad you could make it. Food and drinks are over there, and the dance floor is right next to it." Ron said with a smile.

"Let me get this straight. You and Weasley?" She said soundly completely shocked. I nodded my head confirming what she believed as true. "Wow! That is great! You guys make a great couple!" She said before turning around and walking towards the twins. Ron giggled a bit. He pressed a kiss into my cheek before saying, "Hear that. We make a great couple." He let go of me and marched toward the snack table. I made my rounds saying hello to everyone and talked with Harry and Ginny a bit. Ron came up beside me and shoved a grape in my mouth while I was talking with Harry. I looked at him shocked as I chewed on my grape. He acted like this was normal, he threw a grape up and caught it in his mouth. "Best grape thrower and catcher." He said throwing up another grape. I rolled my eyes redirecting my attention to Harry and Ginny. George had turned the music up louder, drawing everyone's attention to the makeshift dance floor. "Come on! Let's go dance!" Ginny cheered she grabbed my hand and dragged me to the dance floor leaving Ron and Harry in our dust. Everyone was already dancing with the exception of Ron and Harry who were still staring at us as I grabbed Hermione on our way to the dance floor. The three of us danced! We tore up the dance floor, we threw our hands up and our asses back. Everyone was having a good time, even Neville! The twins were dancing...intensely dancing. "Man their hips don't lie!" I shouted over the music to Ginny, while pointing at her brothers. She laughed as we continued to dance. Our small group of three grew larger as more and more people joined us on the dance floor. Luna, Angelina, Lee, Seamus, Neville, Fred, Dean, George, Susan, and the Patil twins were all in a circle along with Ginny, Hermione, and I. I noticed Harry joined Ginny on the dance floor so I scanned the room in search of my boyfriend. He was leaning against the wall watching my every move. I rolled my eyes; I lifted my hand moving my finger signaling for him to come over and join me. He did as he was told. As he got closer to me, I reached out and grabbed his collar. I leaned up and whispered in his ear. "Dance with me. I want to show off my hot boyfriend." He smirked at me before grabbing my hand spinning me around. Once he stopped spinning me, I landing against his chest. He looked down at me before taking one hand in his and placing the other on my lower back. I placed my hand in the center of his chest as the music's intensity increased. We quickly danced together as Ron spun around occasionally. I moved my hips as Ron smiled at me. I giggled as the world seemed to disappear, leaving the feeling that Ron and I were all that mattered in the world.

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