chapter 16- lack of love (27th)

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Chapter 16- Lack of Love (27th)

A loud crash echoed down the staircase startling me awake. I looked around it was still dark in Ginny's room, neither Hermione nor Ginny woke up to the sound. I slowly climbed out of my bed opening the door quietly. I looked up the stairs and saw Ron's door was wide open. Assuming that was the source of the crash I slowly climbed the stairs. I passed the twin's room; I opened their door slightly to check on them. They both were lying on their beds fast asleep. So, the twins aren't the cause of the sound. I walked up the stairs and reached Ron's room. Something felt off, this wasn't normal at all. My heart was racing as I slowly peeked into his Ron. Harry was spread out on the floor, blood leaking from his mouth, his eyes were cold with no movement whatsoever. The room was dark I could not see anything other than Harry's body. I switched on the light and saw Ron pushed up against the wall. A death eater had his hand around his throat. Ron was gasping for air, I quickly reached for my wand which I became aware I did not have. I reached to the floor and picked up Harry's wand but it was too late. Ron's limp body dropped to the cold hard ground, his chest wasn't moving, he was dead. The death eater's attention quickly turned to me. I raised my wand as he did the same. Before I had a chance to call out any spell, words already flew out of his mouth. "Avada Ked-"

I shot up. Tears were flowing from my eyes, staining my cheeks. I couldn't breathe, my heart was beating out of my chest. I looked around and realized it was all a nightmare. I told myself over and over again that it was all in my head but it felt so real. I cried harder as the image of Ron's dead body remained in my mind. At this moment I heard a crash, just like in my dream. I grabbed my wand and sprinted up the stairs only to see Fred and George standing in their room with the door open. They had set off a small firework. At this moment I was ready to hex them for scaring me into thinking my dream was a reality. I did not bother to ask what they were doing I simply continued to Ron's room. Tears were clouding my vision as I turned the doorknob. Harry was asleep peacefully on the floor. Ron was snoring away in bed. I let out a small sigh of relief as I wiped the tears from my eyes. I stepped over Harry and placed my wand on the nightstand. "Ron. Ronnie." I whispered as my voice broke down. He rolled over to face me rubbing his eyes. "Love, what are doing-" He stopped seeing the tears in my eyes. "Are you crying?" He asked concerned. I nodded. He pulled my hand down guiding me onto his chest. He protectively wrapped his arms around me. "What happened muffin?" He asked as he rubbed my back. "I had a bad nightmare, Harry was dead on the floor, and-and a death eater was strangling you and he k-killed you." I said flatly as my breath caught. "Hey, it is ok. Breathe, breathe. I am here alive; Harry is fine too. You are safe, ok? We are all safe." He said quietly. I nodded into his chest. I knew I was safe, but that nightmare was so real and vivid it was hard to shake. "Get some rest muffin. You are safe with me." He said kissing the top of my head. I slowly closed my eyes as I snuggled into Ron's chest. He calmed me down, he took care of me, he made me feel safe. That is when I knew it...I was in love.

My ears flooded with the sweet sound of birds chirping, the sun shone through the cracks in the blinds as a warm and comforting hand rubbed my back. I picked my head off Ron's chest. His eyes were wide open as he stared at the picture of us dancing in the kitchen. As he felt me stir awake, he looked at me with soft compassionate eyes. "Goodmorning muffin. How did you sleep?" He asked pushing the hair from my face. "Really well actually." I said with a smile as I ran my fingers through his fluffy ginger hair. We stayed there for a moment, he was rubbing my back, I played with his hair. It was quiet as the sun immersed his room in warm golden light. I was content, images of my nightmare had left my mind leaving only thoughts of how in love I was. Suddenly the door swung open. Fred and George standing in the door frame with Harry close behind them. "What happened last night?" George asked concerned. "We saw Kaleigh running up here in tears!" Fred explained. "I had a nightmare that Harry and Ron were killed by death eaters, and once I woke up you two set off a firecracker. It was the same sound as in my dream. So, I sprinted up to check of Harry and Ron." I explained. All three of their faces dropped. The twins started apologizing profusely. "Guys it is ok! Ron kept me safe." I said turning to him with a smile. He kissed me on the forehead. "I will always keep you safe." he said with a smile. "Well, umm, breakfast is ready." Harry said awkwardly while playing with his fingers. I stood up out of bed and redid my bun from last night. Ron stood up put a shirt on and walked out the door. I followed closely behind and grabbed his hand to hold on to. When we got downstairs, we took our seats. "Who still has homework to finish?" Molly asked while serving us eggs. We all raised our hands, well everyone except Hermione I am pretty sure she finished while we were still at school. After breakfast Molly instructed all of us to finish, she broke up into groups to prevent us from getting distracted. I got stuck with Harry and Fred. Ron, Hermione, George, and Ginny were the other group. They took over the living room while we took the kitchen table. The burrow was silent as we all keep our heads done and mouths shut. Lunch came and soon enough we were back working. Most of my classes came easily to me, except potions. Snape had assigned a ridiculous amount of work over break. I spend almost all day writing the potions essay on the Fire breathing potion. Hours later I was finally finished with my work. Harry was just about done and Fred was not even close since he spent most of his time thinking up new products for the joke shop. I stood up from my chair and made my way to the living room.

"Are you guys done?" I asked sitting on the couch next to Ginny. Hermione, Ginny, and George all nodded their heads yes meanwhile Ron was spread out like a starfish on the floor. "What is up with him?" I asked Hermione. "I don't know he finished his work a couple of minutes ago." she replied. I walked over and squatted next to him. He had his eyes closed and tongue sticking out of the corner of his mouth. "Are you dead?" I asked, he shook his head yes without breaking his position. "Did homework kill you?" He shook his head no. "What did kill you then?" I asked with a smile. He opened his mouth to speak and whispered, "" I giggled and laid on top of him. He wrapped his arms around me and kissed my cheek. "All better!" he called out with a laugh. Once he had his fill of hugs, I gave him a kiss and pulled myself off him. I sat up and stayed on the floor and he did the same. Harry and Fred had now joined us in the living room and we sat around talking for a couple of minutes before dinner. "Now, is everyone finished with homework?" Molly questioned as we all sat down. Everyone nodded except for Fred who got an earful from his mum.

Dinner ran late tonight since we were all talking. Arthur went back to work for the first time today since he took Christmas and the day after off. He had loads of stuff to tell me about muggle items. Before I knew it the clock read 10 o'clock. I was tired from a long day off homework and a long night of nightmares. I slowly stood out of my chair walking towards the stairs. Ron jogged up behind me. "Where are you going?" He asked. "To sleep." I said flatly as I started my journey up the stairs. Ron stood outside waiting for me as I changed into sleep clothes. Once I had finished, he walked me down to the bathroom. I brushed my teeth; he did the same. As I reached for my hairbrush Ron grabbed it first.

"May I?" He said with a smile. I nodded, instead of brushing my hair like I expected he took my hand and lead me upstairs. I sat down on his bed as he sat down behind me. He slowly and gently raked the brush through my thick brown hair. Time passed as he finished brushing my hair. "Can I braid it?" He asked. I was surprised I didn't think he would know how to braid.

"Of course!" I responded he got to work creating two French braids. "How do you know how to do this?" I asked.

"Ginny. She used to have me brush and do her hair when she was younger. Mum was always too busy to spend time learning to braid so I wanted to learn." He explained. My heart was fluttering, I have never met a boy so willing to help his younger sister.

"You are one special boy Ron Weasley." I said as he finished my braids. He handed me a small mirror. "I love it! Thank you." I said pulling him in for a long kiss. I stood up walking towards the door.

"Where are you going?" He said soundly slightly disappointed.

I turned back and was greeted by sad puppy dog eyes. "To bed."

"What if you-umm-stay with me. For the night. In case you get another nightmare. If you don't want to I under-" I cut his sentence off by kissing him.

"I will stay the night, Ron. Go get changed." I said as he stood up from the bed. He grabbed clothes and walked out. He came back moments later in pajamas and flicked off the light. I laid down on the bed, Ron hopped over me and in one swift motion wrapped his arms around me while pulling his head onto my chest. I ran my fingers through his gorgeous hair as his scent filled my senses. "Goodnight love." I said closing my eyes. He lifted his head kissing my cheek, "Goodnight muffin." The room went dark, but it was a different kind of dark. Not a dark that would make someone feel scared or worried, it was the kind of dark that left room for love. A dark that made it feel as though Ron and I were the only people in the world, and nothing else mattered. 

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