chapter 10- pumpkin (22nd)

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Chapter 10- Pumpkin (22nd)

Both of our breathing slowly back to a normal pace, I had stopped crying, but Ron had stopped ages ago. He continued to hold me tight.

"You smelled me, in your amortentia." He said as I let go of him.

"You smelled me." I repeated calmly. We both looked at each other trying to hold back smiles. Ron's cheeks formed a goofy smile, I couldn't help but smile in return. "I don't know if I made this clear enough but, I really like you, Ron." a weight was lifted off my shoulders as the words escaped out of my mouth.

His face grew pink. "Bloody hell! Do you mean it?" He asked me while he searched my face looking for a facial expression that would explain what I had said.

"Every word." I said with a smile. Before I knew it that boy had swept me into another hug. This time it was filled with more love than I could explain. "I like you a lot to Kaleigh." He whispered in my ear as he picked my feet up off the floor, spinning me around in the air. "Really?!" I gasped out. He put me back down and looked me dead in the eye while holding both my hands. I felt like I could melt at his touch any moment now. "Of course, how could I not? You are the most gorgeous girl I have ever seen, you are smart, funny, kind, brave, sweet..." He paused for a moment as he searched for the right words. "You are... perfect, that's the only word to describe all of you, perfect." I stared at him, analyzing his face, his cheeks were shining red, his eyes were sparkling even more than usual, his lips formed an unremovable smile, and his nose crinkled a little when he saw me staring. I grabbed his face and gave him a kiss on the cheek. He looked at me in shock, not even a second later he kissed my cheek. We both let out a sigh of relief, thankful we did not have to keep that secret any longer. "Can I ask you what this means" He asked in a nervous tone. I furrowed my eyebrows as I racked my brain for an answer. I knew for a fact that I wanted to have a relationship, but it might be beneficial to take it a bit slower since this was new to both of us. "I want to date you, Ronald, I really do, but I think it would be beneficial for us to figure out this new dynamic without putting a label on it just yet." I explained. He nodded his head in agreement before grabbing my hand, interlocking our fingers, and taking me back downstairs.

When we got downstairs all the eyes turned to us. Everyone, include Molly and Arthur, were sitting in the living room. We both turned to each other and smiled, Ron squeezed my hand as we walked closer to the group, sitting down on the floor. I put my legs over Ron's lap as we continued to hold hands. "Just friends, are we?" Arthur said, Molly, elbowed him very quickly before giving us a smile. "We are happy for you dears!" She explained. Ginny and Hermione gave me thumbs up. Harry winked at me, then winked at Ron. And the twins, well...the twins both had their arms wrapped around the own backs, mimicking people making out. They made obnoxiously loud kissing sounds. I laughed at the sight of them. Molly started yelling before waving them out of the room. Everyone talked as one big family for hours.

Before I knew it was 6 pm and dinner was ready. I took my regular seat next to Ron, who pulled my seat out for me. We ate shepherd's pie that night, it was delicious, Molly's cooking always was. As everyone finished eating, Ginny, Hermione, and I volunteered to clear the table and do dishes. We had to practically shove Molly out of the kitchen since she kept trying to help us. "Tell us what happened!" Hermione exclaimed while drying off a plate. "Well, I was upset, and he came to comfort me, but our song was playing. So, he pulled me off the ground and we danced together for a while. Then we both apologized and hugged for a long time! After that, we both admitted our feelings and smiled like idiots." I explained. "So, are you two dating?!" Ginny questioned impatiently waiting for an answer. "Well, we chose to figure this new dynamic between us before actually making it official. Going from being best friends to dating is an interesting thing." Hermione nodded in agreement, "Wise choice." she muttered. After finishing dishes, I went into the living room, which surprisingly was lacking in people. Only the twins were there. Still, we sat down. "So, I guess you didn't need our help after all." George said slightly disappointed. "Why do you sound sad, you guys wanted us to get together so bad." Fred chimed in and very loudly exclaimed, "BECAUSE WE HAD SUCH GOOD IDEAS!" He slammed his fist down on the coffee table, I started to laugh at his anger. "Use those ideas on Harry and Ginny they still need a push." I said nudging Ginny's arm. The twin's eyes narrowed, and smirks of pure disaster formed on their faces. "I hate you, Kaleigh McKenna." She said calmly as she stood up and quickly took off upstairs, the twins chasing after close behind. Me and Hermione were left alone downstairs. "What did you get everyone for Christmas?" She asked me. "I am proud of this year's gifts. I got Molly a new apron, Arthur I got a toaster and a rubber duck, I got Ginny a Holyhead Harpies shirt, I got Harry a mug that says, "The Chosen One" on it, I got the twins business cards and I got Ron a signed copy of The Official Guide to the Chudley Cannons signed by Gorden Horton!" Hermione gasped. "Ron is going to love that!" she squealed. "Ron is going to love what?" said a voice behind me. I jumped at the unexpected comment, turning to see Ron laughing at me. "Did I scare you?" He asked between giggles. "Yes! You did!" I said grabbing my chest in a very dramatic fashion. Ron came over and sat next to me. "I'm sorry." he said smiling into a kiss on my temple. I blushed and once again placed my legs over his lap. He put his hands on my knees while he talked to 'Mione. Harry came downstairs and Ginny not far behind. We all sat around the fireplace and talked just like we did in the common room.

Out of nowhere, Harry's eyes opened wide, and his breath drew into a gasp. We all shot our attention to him praying this had nothing to do with Voldemort. "Ron we have go and wrap presents!" he shouted out. Ron's eyes also grew wide. "Oh blimey!" he yelled out while throwing my legs off him and sprinting up the stairs after Harry. One second later he came back downstairs kissed my cheek and took back off up the stairs. I couldn't help but giggle as he sprinted away. Both Ginny and Hermione then gave an intense smirk. "What? He's cute." I stated as my smile grew bigger. Ginny started making gagging sounds, "That's my brother!" she exclaimed. I opened my eyes wide, "You're one to talk! You are snogging Harry, and he is like my brother!" I replied. Hermione and I busted into laughter as Ginny's face grew bright red. "I am leaving you two are pissing me off!" Ginny managed to spit out between her laughs while she walked upstairs. We followed her upstairs and got ready for bed. I threw on a random grey t-shirt and a pair of bright pink shorts. I brushed my teeth and made my way back upstairs. I crawled into my bed with the feeling that I was missing something. Ron, I forgot to say goodnight to Ron. "I'll be back in a minute I have to say goodnight to Ron." I explained while opening the door. "You better be back in a minute, or I am busting in there!" she called out as I closed the door behind me. I reached Ron's level of the burrow and turned the handle to reveal a shirtless Ron sitting on the floor. His tongue was sticking out of the corner of his mouth as he concentrated on wrapping a present, that I couldn't quite make out what it was. It was a small box but I didn't know what was inside. "Whatcha doing?" I asked since he hadn't noticed me. He looked up at me and grabbed the present resting in front of him and shoved it under his bed. "Nothing!" he screamed before standing up and brushing off his pants. I took a couple of steps forward and ran my fingers through his hair. "Well, you were doing something." I said with a smirk. His cheeks went flush, "Don't worry about it." he said as he got in my face in hopes I wouldn't glance under his bed. He looked down at my legs, "I like your pink shorts." He commented. "I like your shirt." I said in response, his eyes glanced down at his bare chest. He looked back at me as his tongue rolled on the inside of his cheek. "You are going to be the death of me one day love, you know that?" he said with a smirk as he brushed a strand of my hair behind my ear. "I sure hope so." I said giving him a kiss on the cheek while turning to leave his room. Right before I closed the door I gave him a smile, "Night Ronnie." He blushed at the sound of his name, "Night pumpkin" he said as I closed the door. My face went red, and butterflies danced in my stomach. That night I slept without a single worry in the world, the boy I like, likes me back! 

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