chapter 22- after party (1st)

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a/n: I wrote another makeout scene...I just can't stop writing them. Anyways enjoy!

Chapter 22- After Party (1st)

The sky ran dark once more, no more fireworks, all that remained were the moon and stars. The twins came jogging up to meet all of us. "So... What did you all think?" George asked excitedly. "Those fireworks were fantastic! It was a great way to ring in the new year!" Hermione explained excitedly. They both smiled proudly, most of our guests started walking inside. Only Harry, Ginny, Hermione, the twins, and Ron and I were left outside. They all turned to us with smirks on their faces. Ron wrapped his arms around my shoulders while resting his chin on my head. I stared blankly back at them. "What happened...before the fireworks?" Harry asked in a snarky tone. "Oh nothing just found out that the most beautiful girl in the world is in love with big deal." He said calmly. The twins gave me thumbs up while Ginny and Hermione shoved Ron off me, trapping me in an inescapable hug. I saw Harry talking with Ron while patting him on the back. I couldn't hear them since Hermione was saying "I am so happy for you both! You are in love!" Repeatedly. I saw Ron's cheeks light up once Harry said something to him, He turned his head to me making eye contact. I lightly pushed the girls off me, they picked up on my hint. I made my way to where Ron stood. "Did you have fun tonight my love?" I said with a smile. He nodded his head. "The most fun." He said quietly before pressing a small kiss on my lips. "Well, I hate you ruin this moment." Hermione started, I cut her off. "No, you don't." I said flatly. "As I was saying! We need to say goodbye to our guests and clean up." We all rolled our eyes at the thought of tonight being over, tonight was a great night and I wish it didn't have to end. We all went inside and began thanking our guests for coming and wished them a safe trip home. We would see them in a couple of days, the holiday was almost over meaning we would go back to Hogwarts, we would go back to normal. Except it wouldn't be normal, Ron and I were dating now, this means new challenges to face as a couple. Not everything would be as perfect as this break was, not everything would go this smoothly. My thoughts took over, so many things could go wrong at Hogwarts. I stood completely engulfed in my own mind to notice everyone leave via Floo Powder. The only sound audible to my ears was my own heartbeat, thoughts of breaking up, falling out of love, and being broken-hearted circled in my mind. Not to mention Voldemort's return, no one knew what this would mean for the whole wizarding world. I stood there, in the middle of the living room, remaining motionless. Ron turned back around from the fireplace and met my eye. His face dropped in panic as he rushed to my side.

"Darling, is everything ok?" He asked quickly and in a concerned voice. I shook my head no. I furrowed my brow looking down to stare at my shoes. "Cmere love." He said opening his arms. I practically threw myself at him. His arms wrapped me in his warmth. Once again, I felt at home. I let out a deep sigh against his white shirt as he kissed the top of my head. I pulled my head up to look at him. A painted expression of worry and concern occupied his face. "We are going to be ok right?" I said quietly as I looked into his eyes. "What do you mean pumpkin?" He asked pushing my hair behind my ear. "When we go back to Hogwarts...we will be ok? With the war that is about to start...we will be ok?" I explained softly. Ron's face softened; he cupped the left side of my face. "Yes, my love. We will be ok." That was all I needed to hear. I felt a wave of relief come over me, we would be ok. "We should probably clean all this up before Molly and Arthur get home." Harry said stretching the back of his neck awkwardly. I looked around; the house wasn't too messy but could use a bit of cleaning. Hermione told us to take down whatever we had set up. This meant I was in charge of putting away snack remains and cleaning dishes. The boys got to work putting the furniture back to normal while Ginny and Hermione took down decorations. I stood at the sink, scrubbing and drying the plates and silverware. Once I had finished, I saw the Ford Anglia flying down from the sky. Arthur let out a little 'toot toot' letting us know they were back. I smiled as I looked out the window. "Molly and Arthur are back!" I announced with a smile. I heard footsteps running up behind me I turned to see Ron running into the room. He abruptly stopped but the socks on his feet causing him to slide a bit. He looked up at me in panic, I looked back at him equally confused. "They are home?!" He quickly asked. I nodded my head. "Yes...why?" I questioned. "YOU HAVE TO CHANGE!" He screamed out. I was confused until he pointed at me with his finger. I followed his finger a glanced down at my chest...the hickeys. My eyes widened as I saw the door open behind Ron. "Oh shoot!" I whisper yelled. Ron looked over his shoulder and saw his parents. Without thinking he grabbed me and threw me over his shoulder, sprinting up the stairs. He quickly ran to his room and slammed the door closed. "What do you want me to do in here?" I said rolling my eyes. "Change!" Ron said matter-of-factly. "And you expect me to do that how? My clothes are in Ginny's room." I said placing my hands on my hips. Right as Ron was about to speak, we heard a voice outside the door. "Ronald dear...are you in here?" Molly said as the door handle started to twist open. I dove for his closet, he closed the door behind me. I sat on the floor of his closet in complete darkness covering my mouth to muffle my breathing. "Oh, there you are Ron. Where is Kaleigh?" Molly asked. "Bathroom." Ron said flatly. "Ok dear. Did you have fun tonight?" She asked. "Yes, mum lots of fun. Can you leave now I have to change." Ron said quickly. The door shut. He let out a sigh of relief once he opened the door. "Hi." I said on the floor. He chuckled a bit. I stood up and got all in his face. "It is me, the monster in your closet. I am going to eat you now!" I said loudly while lunging towards him. I kissed him on the lips and then to his cheek. As I was kissing his cheek, I bit on it slightly. He laughed as he pushed me away from him. "Go get changed weirdo." He said through laughs. On my way out I grabbed his jumper that hung on his chair. I jogged down the steps quietly as to not get seen by Molly. I reached Ginny's room and shut the door. Ginny was sitting on her bed talking with Hermione. I grabbed a pair of shorts and walked down to the bathroom. I opened the door and shut it behind me. I changed out of my dress and into a bra, Ron's jumper, and shorts. I washed my makeup off and I brushed my hair and my teeth before exiting the bathroom. I made my way back to Ron's room. I swung the door open, expecting to see Ron, but it was empty.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12, 2021 ⏰

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