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Bogum was so shocked to hear that and so was Taehyung. His (Bogum's) smile disappeared. Jungkook felt so relieved. But then Taehyung talked to him for the first time ever.

Taehyung: Jungkook! Can I talk to you for a moment?
He was glaring. Jungkook gulped and said "sure".
They excused themselves and went somewhere private.

Taehyung: What the hell was that Jungkook??

Jungkook: You tell me what was that? Why were you talking to that guy?

Taehyung: Why do you care??? I can talk to whoever I want!!!

Jungkook: Ofcourse, I care... I am your Husband!!! I can't let you get drunk and go with other people!!!

Taehyung chuckled at that.

Taehyung: Husband!!! We are nothing Jungkook, we were forced to marry each other.

Jungkook's heart ached by hearing this. He held Taehyung's hand and said "Taehyung! That guy is not good. He mixed some drug in your drink. He wanted to take you home!"

Taehyung glared at him for a moment and then chuckled. And said "He is one of my oldest friends, I've known him almost half my life. If he wanted that, he would've asked me so early". With that he left Jungkook and went back to his friend.

Jungkook was looking at Taehyung. Taehyung knew he was being watched so he took the drink that Bogum gave him and looked at Jungkook straight in the eye, and gulped it in one shot. Jungkook was startled to see this, but he didn't do anything. He left the party and went back home, thinking he'll talk to Taehyung when he'll come back home. Taehyung saw Jungkook leaving the party and thought that if he actually cared, he wouldn't have left him there all alone with the drink that was supposed to be drugged. He started feeling dizzy. He looked at Bogum who was smiling. Taehyung couldn't process what happened cause his mind was not working.

Although, he was never interested in Jungkook but he was still his husband, he had never thought of cheating on him. His heart hurt every time thinking about that he would never be able to spend time with his husband and love him that he has always dreamed of, but he had accepted this fact. But now, looking at Bogum, he put all his worries aside and started to walk away from him. Cause, he never thought that his friend will drug him and want him like that. Bogum grabbed his hand as he was walking away and said "What's so hurry, sweetheart? I have planned our whole night, you can't just leave like that". Taehyung's body was getting weak, he could not argue with bogum at that time, nor could he fight him. Tears began to fall from his eyes.

Jungkook saw Taehyung drinking that, even though he has warned him about the drink being drugged. He could not just see Taehyung with any other guy so he left. He sat in the driving seat and drove away. All the ride back home, he kept thinking of Taehyung. He was wondering what Taehyung would be doing by then. A thought came in his mind regarding Taehyung and that Bogum guy. He took U- turn right away and started driving back to the party. He knew that Taehyung didn't know about Bogum's intentions but he(Jungkook) knew, how could he leave him like that there, even though he has seen him drinking that drugged drink. He has vowed to always protect Taehyung on their wedding day.

He reached the party hall and started looking for Taehyung but He could not find him. He searched for him and even asked some other CEOs if they have seen Taehyung but the answer was 'No'. He was worried sick. He could not just let anything happen to his Taehyung. He went to check the restrooms. There he saw Taehyung lying on the floor. He immediately went to him. He picked him up bridal style and made his way out of the restroom. As he was about to go, he saw Bogum coming their way. Taehyung was almost unconscious, so Jungkook put him down and grabbed Bogum by his collar. He punched him in his face and said "Don't come near my husband ever again, I'll kill you". With that he picked Taehyung and went to his car and drove back home.

Jungkook took Taehyung to his bedroom and laid him down on the bed and covered him with the blanket. He changed his clothes to some decent clothes and sat beside him for a while. He looked at Taehyung's features. He was so beautiful with some strands of hair falling down on his eyes. He removed that strand. He observed the cute mole on the tip of his nose, that was so beautiful. Everything about him was so ethereal. He was sleeping so peacefully. He looked at his plump lips. He wanted to kiss him so bad right now but he controlled himself. He put a glass of water and a pill to relieve his headache on his bedside table. He made his way out of the room quietly and shut the door and went back to his room.

In his bedroom, he changed his clothes and laid down on the bed. He started thinking about Taehyung, his eyes, his equilateral triangular nose with a cute mole on its tip, his plump pink lips, his bread cheeks, his deep voice. He didn't know what time he slept thinking about Taehyung....

I hope you guys enjoyed that. Please this is my first ever story, give me some feedback. Just say whether its good or bad or what changes should I make in the story. It'd be a great help. I purple you all.

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