Chapter 4

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I put my keys in the ignition and start my car. It is about 90 degrees in my car, so I turn on the ac. Then I notice Cameron's Jeep pulling up to my Mini Cooper. "Hey ready to go," he yells from his window to mine. "Yep. Let's go," I holler back.
We speed to my house and I don't even pay attention to the road. I don't even know what to wear! From here I can spot my house. We pull into the drive way and I can hear his music stop. "Hey, who taught you how to drive?"he says while stepping out of his car. "Sorry,do I drive too fast for the little grandpa?" "Hey slow your roll girl." We walk to the door and I unlock it. We then see my mom cleaning the dinning room table. "Hey mom this is Cameron." "Oh hello. Nice to meet you." "Same to you, mam," he said as they shake hands. I then brake the silence by telling my mom," We want to go to the beach for a little while." "Oh okay just be back at a decent time" I grab Cameron so he doesn't have to stay and talk with my mom. " You stay out here while I change." I then close and lock the door.
I find my mint green triangle bathing suite and a towel. Then head to the bathroom to change. Once I'm done I slip on a tee shirt over it and keep on my shorts.
"Ready to go?"he asks delightfully. "Totally,lets go."
When we get to his Jeep he turns on the car and blaring music turns on. "Sorry. I had it playing and didn't turn it down," he said with embarrassment in his eyes. I give a little chuckle and he backs out of the driveway.
I start to hum the song that is playing on the radio. "You like this song?"he questioned. "Yes, but I have only heard it a few times though." By the time we are done talking we pass the entrance to the beach. "Wait you just passed the beach! Go back." "I am taking you to a secret spot,"he says with a smirk smeared across his face. Then that makes me smile uncontrollably.
"We have arrived. This is where my older cousin used to take me when I was little." He gets out of the car and opens my door for me. "Thank you." "You're welcome."
We come up to big rocks and small ledges. "Well let's go in,"he yells before taking off his shirt. Wow I mean wow. Talk about six pack, this dude is ripped. After he jumps in I start to take off my shirt and shorts. "Come on in the water is great!" At first I hesitate to jump and then I hold my nose and jump. "Wow I didn't think you would actually do that." "What jump? Oh I jump off of cliffs all the time," I say sarcastically.
We laugh together before we yet again stare at each other. He is now starting to lean in and something inside of me makes me do the same. Before I know it our faces are inches away from each other. Our lips finally meet and he leans me up against a rock. The sand underneath me is making me slip, so he picks me up by my hips and sets me on a ledge. I stop to catch my breathe. Then I look at him and say,"Well I figure this means we are dating," I say with a smile. Then he picks me up a throws me into the water. I yell and so I get water in my mouth. "Wow you are really light, do you even eat?"he asks jokingly. "Yes I actually eat like a pig."
We swim for a while until we get out of the clear water. I get my towel and dry off and sit down next to where Cameron is. "I am happy that I came today,"I say when looking at him." Me too."
"Hey it is about 3:00 are you hungry?" I ask him. "Yeah sure. I will take you to a restaurant near by." We go to the car. I sit in my seat and watch him put the stuff in the back seat. When he comes back so I lean in for a small kiss on the cheek. "Honk!" My elbow presses against the dang horn. I feel like an idiot. He started to laugh and the only reason I am laughing is out of embarrassment.
He turns the music on as I look at the things passing by us. I can barley see anything because of my long hair flipping in the wind. I jump, because I feel something touch my hand. "Sorry I scared you I was just trying to hold your hand,"he says while laughing at me. I then interlock my hand with his.
Once we get to the restaurant we see there is a long line. "Hey I am going to go to the bathroom," I say. "Okay I will be right here, standing in line." I step in the restroom and I check to see if anyone is in here. "Okay we are clear," I say inside my head. I touch up my mascara. Then I see my hair is a mess from the wind. I have been looking like this in public! I try to brush it out with my hands. "Eh, good enough."
I walk out and we are next in line after a man and a young girl. Now it is our turn to order. We got buffalo wings to share and I got a sweet tea. "Man you do eat like a pig." My mouth is full, so I just punched him in the arm.
It is about 5:00 when we pull in the driveway. "Bye see you tomorrow." "See ya," I say. We exchange hugs and I walk to the door and wave.
This summer wasn't as bad as I thought it would be.

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