Chapter 8

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I run to see if Cameron was alright. My eyes start to sting and I can feel tears coming up.
"Yeah this is my song!" Cameron yells over the radio.
"Oh my gosh, you scared me so much," I say as he turns the volume down.
I sit down on the ground and let out a deep breath. Cameron puts his hand on my shoulder and sits down next to me.
"I'm sorry," he says.
"No it's not your..." I start to say when my phone rings.
"Hello," I say into the phone.
"Come to the county hospital now, it's mom," she says back.
"What happened?" I ask her.
"Your sister got in a car reck with her friend," she says then hangs up.
I look at Cameron and tell him that we need to head to the ER.
"So, do you know if it's major?" Cameron asks while speeding through traffic.
"No, all she said is to come quick," I say fast thinking if I talk faster it will get us there faster.
We arrive at the room she is in and I see her face is all bruised. She is fast asleep with her covers all the way up to her shoulder.
I turn around to see my mom and I burst out in tears on her shoulder. After 5 minutes of crying I look up and ask my mom,"So, is she going to be fine?"
"Honey, let me show you her," my mom says and I get a little nervous.
She takes the covers down and her arms were all covered in stitches.
"The doctor says the recovery will take a while, but we just need to keep praying," she says holding me tight.
Cameron comes up after my mom leaves and tells me," I know what you are going through and I am here if you need me." I nod in response.
It's been 2 weeks since I have seen Cameron and I am really depressed. Ashton is looking better but not feeling any better. She is still in the hospital but coming out in 3 days from today.
"Mom, I am going to go get ice cream do you want anything?"
I hear no answer so I guess that's a no or she is gone at the hospital. Her and dad take turns of who stays the day with Ashton, so I guess it's her day.
I get in my car and turn on the radio. The song that is playing is the one Cameron loved so much he screamed. I quickly turn it off.
My phone buzzed with a text from Cameron.
Boo😍: Since we haven't seen each other in so long I think we should take a break
What does break mean like a full break up or just not worry for a few weeks?
I don't know what to say back but k to make it seem like it doesn't hurt.
Instead of listening to the radio I get out an old Taylor Swift cd and turn it up as loud as it can get.
Today I really don't care what I look like, I'm wearing grey sweatpants with a cat shirt on and some flip flops to top it off. I try to find the ice cream section but end up by the movies. I look in the next row over and see Cameron hugging a girl. I sneak over so I can still listen to their conversation.
"I miss seeing you every day," the girl says.
"Yeah those days were really fun," Cameron says back.
"We should get back together and hang out," she says then giggles.
"Totally," he says.
So I guess he meant "break" as seeing other people.
I slide down the shelves and hit my head on one. Then movie boxes started falling down.
"Oh my god are you okay?" A masculine voice asks above.
"Yeah, just didn't have the movie I wanted," I say trying to smile.
Then I open my eyes to see a gorgeous guy smiling down with big white teeth. The one day I decide to get out of the house a hot guy with shaggy brown hair and green eyes talks to me!
"What movie was it?" He asks me.
"Um, 50 First Dates," I say with hesitation.
"Oh, I love that movie, I have it at home if you would like to watch it some time," he says while helping me up.
"I would love to, um," I say.
"Oh, it's Aden," he answers.
"Andrea," I smile back.
I take his arm and his pen out of his pocket and write my name, number, and a heart at the end of it.

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