Chapter 5

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Camila was in her room listening to music while doing her chemistry homework. She was a hardworking student, she strived to be the best so she could make a better life for her and Sofi. She's only 15 but Sofi is one of her main priorities, the other being school.

She works so hard in school, she doesn't want to end up like her parents. If she could, she'd leave them and never look back but she's not old enough and neither is Sofi and even if she was, she doesn't want Sofi living with their parents. They can't provide for them, they act like they don't exist and she doesn't want Sofi to feel more neglected than she already is.

"Kaki?" Sofi mumbled sleepily. "Hmm, baby girl?" Camila said, stroking the younger girl's hair. She sat her chemistry work to the side so Sofi could climb onto her lap. "Where's mama and papa?" She asked, the older brunette looked at her little sister sadly and sighed. The answer is always being same, "They're not here Sofi," Sofi frowned, Camila knows that Sofi wants their parents, Camila wants them too but she know she'll never get them.

"Hey babe, ,why don't you go back to sleep." She bent down and kissed Sofi's forehead. Sofi nodded and cuddled into Camila's chest, Camila smiled at her adorable little sister. She wrapped her arms around Sofi and laid against the headboard of the bed.

Just when she was about to fall asleep, a loud bang could be heard from downstairs. She carefully lifted Sofi off of her chest and onto the bed, she kissed the little one's cheek and walked out of her room to see what the commotion was.

She could hear screaming and yelling as she made her way towards the steps, there was another loud bang and she was beginning to get worried. It's always like this though, shouting and screaming.

She crept down to see her mother and father in a heated argument. They were arguing over something completely stupid and idiotic, Camila had to restrain herself from rolling her eyes at the stupidity of her parents.

It was about some left over food in the refrigerator. I guess that's what being drunk does to you.

Camila knew exactly what they were arguing about, there was hardly anything in the fridge and Camila didn't want Sofi to starve so she fed her younger sister the little food that was left.

She nervously crept upon her parents who were obviously drunk being belief to be arguing about leftover food.

"Could you guys keep it down? Sofi is trying to sleep, we have school tomorrow." Camila explained. Her father ignored her as he vastly approached her, "Did you eat the fucking food that I saved?" He asked aggressively.

"Sofi was hungry, and there was nothing left so I fed it to her." Camila whispered, her voice barely audible.

That's when she felt a sharp pain sting to the side of her face. She looked up to see her father's bloodshot eyes staring into her terrified brown ones. "Don't touch my shit, you got that?" He said and walked away.

"You expect me to let my little sister starve?" She voiced, finding confidence, that would lead to an even harder slap in the face.

Her mother just sat by watching carelessly as her husband beat their child. She was too drunk and too high to stop it.

Camila looked at her, silently asking for help but her mother turned away. He slapped her one last time, "Get out of my face." Camila scurried across the floor back into her room where Sofi was still sound asleep.

Camila was happy that Sofi didn't have to witness that, it was only less than 3 weeks ago that Sofi saw her dad beat her sister.

She was scared to death and felt so helpless. Camila urged her to go to their room and lock the door when it happened, she didn't want anything happening to Sofi, but she didn't listen and ran to Camila instead.

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