Chapter 8

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It was 6th period and Lauren had been waiting the whole day for this class. There wasn't anything particularly exciting about the class, it was just that it was the only class Lauren shared with Camila.

Yeah, she saw her at lunch but that wasn't long enough for Lauren, if she could, she'd spend eternity with Camila in her company.

Camila strolled into class with her books in hand, once she saw Lauren a huge smile made its way onto her face. She took her usual seat beside Lauren. "Hey there cutie." Lauren greeted with a smile. Camila's cheeks tinted red and Lauren internally high-fived herself for making the younger girl blush. "Hey Lauren." Camila replied, trying to hide her blush with her long brown locks, which she was failing at.

"So, are you going to the homecoming game and dance?" Lauren asked, inwardly hoping that Camila was going, she really wanted to ask the younger girl to go with her, be her date. "No, I don't usually go to those things." Camila answered and Lauren frowned. "But I might just to see a certain green eyed point guard." Camila flirted. Lauren looked lost. "Oh who?" she frowned again and Camila silently laughed, the older girl was clueless that Camila was talking about her.

Camila decided to play around with Lauren. "Um, I can't really remember her name or her jersey number but she's an outstanding player." She gushed and Camila could sense a little hint of jealousy in Lauren's eyes. "Oh," Lauren huffed trying to figure who this girl on the team is.

"Yeah, she's actually the best player on the team and she's really cute, smart and funny." Camila continued. Lauren was trying so hard not to show how jealous she was that someone else had already gotten Camila's attention. Is it Jade? Cara? Megan? Ugh, I can't believe she likes someone else. What were you even thinking? A girl like Camila wouldn't like you. Ugh. Why didn't you make a move faster? Stupid Lauren.

Camila looked at Lauren's face, studying her features. She looked like she was having an argument with herself. Her eyebrows were furrowed in a slightly angry manner, her jaw was clenching and unclenching, she wasn't making eye contact with Camila, she looked pissed and sad at the same time.

Camila started laughing obnoxiously and Lauren just stared at her. "What's so funny?" Lauren asked a little upset. "It's you silly!" Camila confessed and a light bulb went off in Lauren's head. "M-me?" She asked stunned and Camila simply smiled and nodded at the green eyed girl.

Lauren felt a weight lifted off of her shoulders, she doesn't have to worry about anyone stealing Camila's attention. Just as she realized that, she realized that Camila had called her cute, funny and smart. Lauren's heart picked up its speed at that.

With that confession, Lauren had the courage to ask what she's been waiting for. "Um, I was wondering if you'd like to c-come with me then? Like watch me play and stuff?" She asked Camila nervously.

"No." Camila said, and went back to doing her work. Lauren took a moment to process this. "No?" She asked with furrowed eyebrows. Camila shook her head. "B-but I-I- I thought..." Lauren sighed, sadness lacing her next words. "Never mind."

Camila was only joking but she felt bad seeing Lauren look sad like that. She decided she never wanted to see that face again. Just as she was about to turn around and tell her yes, the bell rang and Lauren grabbed her books and rushed out of class at the speed of lightning.

Camila sighed, and tried to catch up with Lauren. She rushed out and saw Lauren turn the corner. "Lauren!" She yelled weaving her way though the colossal amount of students until she collided with a bigger body.

Lauren heard Camila call her and she was contemplating whether or not she should turn around and see what the younger girl wanted. Lauren has never been rejected, so it hurts like hell that it was from her crush. She's rejected many people in the past, now she knows what that feels like.

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