Chapter 10

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Lunch had come around and the talk about Camila and Lauren had not died down since school started, it was the newest news of the school and it spread like wildfire. They didn't get a lot of gossip so this was very exciting and worth spreading.

Everyone was shocked to say the least. Lauren would never let anyone wear her letterman jacket and to see Camila Cabello sporting it was the surprise of the century and the fact that they walked into school holding hands was just as surprising if not more. The basketball team wasn't as surprised though, they had seen the way the star basketball player would look at Camila during their practices when the younger girl was there.

Lauren had never, in her high school years, dated anyone. Yeah, she kissed a few people drunkly at parties, but never dated or went out with them. They were lucky to even kiss her. She was unattainable, many people tried to go out with her but ended up being rejected. Lauren has rejected so many people she can't even count the number on her hands. She was truly a goddess in the eyes of the kids at Westwood High School.

Camila was sat at Lauren's usual lunch table with Dinah and few girls from the team along with some other jocks, they were waiting on Lauren and Normani to join them. All day Camila had been receiving looks of disgust, anger and jealousy. She knew for a fact it had to do with Lauren because other than that, she was practically a loser nobody in their school, nobody would ever pay attention to her unless it was to shove her into a locker, throw her books down or tease her occasionally.

"Dinah, why does everyone keep looking at me like that?" Camila asked, feeling self-conscious with everyone's blatant staring. "Well first off, you're wearing Lauren's jacket, that she lets absolutely no one wears!" Dinah began, "Secondly, you guys were holding hands, which I might add is extremely adorable!" Camila's cheeks heated up, turning a nice light shade of red. "Thirdly, Lauren's never dated anyone in school." Camila shook her head. "We're.... we're not dating?" Camila asked unsurely, rather than stated. The 15 year old had no clue how relationships worked, considering she's never been in one. I mean she just had her first kiss, what would you expect?

"Well it sure didn't look that way this morning," Dinah smirked at the younger girl, who in return, blushed again.

Just then Camila felt two hands cover her eyes. She tensed up at first not knowing who it could possibly be until she heard a husky voice she was beginning to love. "Guess who?" The mystery voice said, Camila couldn't help the smile that made its way across her face. "I don't know... Taylor Lautner?" Camila said jokingly. "Try again." Lauren laughed. "Hmmm.... Jennifer Lawrence!" Camila clapped excitedly. Lauren rolled her eyes at the younger girl. "One last try, you better get it right!" Lauren said as Dinah and Normani watched the two with amusement. "Oh I know who it is!" Camila quirked and it made Lauren's heart beat faster. "It's definitely Ryan Gosling!" Lauren sighed and removed her hands, Camila turned to face her.

"It's me, Lauren." Camila pouted and Lauren felt the world shake, she thought the younger girl's pout was the cutest thing she had ever seen in her life. She just wanted to kiss it away but decided against it.

"You're no Ryan Gosling." Lauren frowned. "That's right, I'm better!" She did this cocky smirky that made Camila burst into giggles. "No ones better than Ryan Gosling." Camila argued, Lauren scoffed. "Lauren Jauregui is." She beamed and Camila laughed at how giddy Lauren was acting. "Maybe," Camila smirked.

Lauren laughed and scooted impossibly close to Camila and grabbed her hand. "So," she began playing with Camila's fingers. "After the homecoming dance there's going to be a party," Camila smiled, trying to see what the older girl was getting at. "And I was wondering if you want to go?" Lauren asked, looking up from Camila's hand to gaze into her mesmerizing brown eyes. "With me?" Lauren finished.

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