Chapter 13

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Camila knew she was wrong to blow up at Lauren the way she did. She knew Lauren had every right to act the way she was towards her.

It wasn't Lauren's fault she practically hated her birthday. It wasn't like Lauren had magical powers that could somehow sense why Camila loathed her birthday so much. She honestly had no idea why Camila despised her birthday.

That's when Camila realized it was finally time for her to open up to Lauren about her parents. It was finally time to be openly honest with someone other than the rampant thoughts of her conscious.

That morning, Camila rehearsed everything she would say to Lauren in the mirror of her bedroom. She would tell her how over the years, her parents just out of nowhere, stopped caring about her and Sofi. She would let Lauren finally hear her inner thoughts and understand why her birthday is more of a burden rather than something to celebrate or be happy about.

Lolo💗- I'm outside, babe.

Camila smiled, Lauren had called her babe which only meant that things weren't as terrible as she had originally thought they would be.

Camila grabbed her bag, mentally preparing herself for the talk she was about to have with Lauren today, a talk she has never had with anyone before so this was a big deal for her.

She quickly made her way downstairs and entered Lauren's car nervously. Lauren smiled softly at Camila before backing up out of the driveway.

The entire ride to school was quiet, not one word was spoken from either girl but that didn't stop Lauren from taking the younger girl's hand into hers. Lauren didn't want to say anything that would provoke Camila after her little outburst from the night before and Camila honestly didn't know what to say.

Actually, she knew exactly what she wanted to say, she just didn't know how to start the conversation off, so she did the best thing she could do in her opinion, she stayed quiet.

As they entered the school, Lauren walked Camila to her locker, where Camila grabbed her books that Lauren insisted on carrying.

After a minute of arguing, Camila allowed the older girl to finally carry her books. She placed a chaste peck on Lauren's cheek in appreciation causing the other girl to blush.

Once Lauren walked Camila to her class, she handed Camila her books and Camila looked at Lauren shyly.

"I'm sorry about yesterday." She apologized, Lauren lifted Camila's chin and kissed her plump, pink lips gently. "It's okay," she said breaking the kiss.

"It's not, can we go somewhere for lunch?" She asked, Lauren didn't hesitate and nodded her head.

Camila stood on the tips of her toes and planted a peck on Lauren's lips. "See you for lunch?" Lauren smiled, Camila waved to her as she entered the classroom.

Lauren was happy, it seemed Camila was ready to talk to her. She couldn't wipe the smile off of her face as she went to English.


"Okay, so about yesterday," Camila started off as her and Lauren took their seats at the nearest café by the school. Since Lauren was a senior, she had the privilege of leaving early and with Camila being her girlfriend, she had that priveledge as well as long as they didn't abuse their privileges they were good.

"I'm really sorry for the way I acted, I had no reason to blow up at you like that." Lauren nodded, listening to the younger girl intently.

"Look, it's just," Camila took a deep breath. "I- at home, I don't have the best parents." Lauren grabbed Camila's hand, interlacing their fingers, for support.

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