Problems Unsolved

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Zim sat in his chair and stared at a screen. He was bored, but he was finally back on his ship. It had been two days since then. Repairs were made, but the footage recovered had cut out, so the Irken leader had no clue as to how the invading force had gotten on the ship, much less without being spotted.

"Zim, can I at least get a chair or something? The floor is uncomfortable." Zim glanced over at Dib, who sat on the floor next to him, a leash around his neck that Zim held the end of. He gave it a little tug, a smile on his face. "Bad dogs don't get chairs."

-Dib's POV-

Ever since yesterday, Zim has been looking up strange things that people do on earth, and this was one of them. He had no obvious intention of letting me go home anytime soon, and if I had to be honest with myself, I was kind of into it...

Well, not the sitting on the floor part, but not much I could say or do. Zim stood up, setting the holographic screen he was looking at down and dragging me along as he walked out of the command deck. I stood up to not be dragged about, and he didn't seem to mind. I've been a little down in the dumps. Zim has rejected me twice now. I was really sure he was starting to warm up to me, but it must be all in my head. Zim is constantly throwing mixed signals. If I stay with him, I might just go crazy too. 

"Zim, I want to go back to Earth."

Zim paused mid-step, and I watched his grip tighten on the end of the leash. "No." he suddenly responded, and began walking again, yanking on the leash. "Zim!" I yelled, only to be met with a backhand and Zim's fierce eyes. "Dogs don't talk." he sneered.

"Well this one does, Zim. I want to go back to earth. now." I said in a commanding tone. I was expecting the worst from it but I was not going to let him push me around that much. Zim made a face, then held his arm up to my face, dropping the leash in a sort of dramatic way. "Then goOo." He said with a mocking and condescending tone. "Get out of my sight." 

I just turned and walked away, and I didn't bother looking back. not that It would have helped since my glasses had been broken.

Gir appeared as I walked down the hall, his eyes turning red as soon as he saw me. "Dib, the pod is this way. Follow me." I nodded and followed behind the robot all while trying to get the leash off. Once I had gotten into the pod I remembered the ship I had brought over. "Wait Gir-" the pod closed and detached from the mothership, Gir watching with a serious expression before his eyes turned blue and he frolicked away. 

I looked at the controls and turned off the autopilot quickly. It helped that I had the chance to study one of these pods when I was younger. Now I was just free-floating by the mothership. Why did Zim just let me go like that? It seemed too easy. Two pods flew by me at a high speed, to the front of the ship. I glanced behind and saw Zim's entire fleet approaching.

-No POV-

"The armada is ready to begin the invasion, master," Gir said, giving a salute. Zim looked down and him and then at the leash in his hand. "Good. And Dib?" he asked, looking back at his companion. "On his way back to earth. With no problems, he should be arriving there shortly." Gir replied. Zim smiled and chuckled darkly. He tossed the leash to the floor and looked at Earth through the large window. "I will finally be rid of my past on that hunk of dirt." He turned and walked out of the control room, leaving Gir to the rest of the preparations. His subjects cowered in fear as he passed, which brought a smile to his face, an evil one, of course.

He stopped one and lifted them up, watching in amusement as they broke down and pleaded for their life. This was how it should be. Absolute control over others. The feeling was good. He dropped the Irken and continued on his way to his chambers. As he walked in he stared at the bed, remembering that awkward moment he had with Dib.

An Irken jumped out of the way as the bed came hurdling out of the room and into the hall. Others cleared out and away from the room as the sound of things being thrown and broken could be heard in Zim's room.

-Zim's POV-

This is infuriating. Why can I not get Dib-stink out of my head? He is nothing but an ugly human nuisance. My quarters were in disarray, but I felt no better than I did before I had started. I sat down on the floor, leaning against the wall, where I began thinking. Dib was just going to try and stop me if he knew I was still going to take over his stupid planet. He had to go. I felt like I was becoming too soft and weak whenever I hung around him. My thoughts were interrupted when my door suddenly opened. Gir poked his head in and was taking note of the mess. "Sir," I waved him away. "Not now, Gir. I'm busy."

"It's about Dib." 

I shot to my feet, scooping Gir up as I did so. "What about him??" I asked eagerly, gripping the little bot tightly. "He never made it to earth." I blinked, confused. "What do you mean? I thought you sent him off?" Gir nodded. "I did, but he managed to switch off the Autopilot." I set Gir back down and left my room to go to the pods. Gir followed along. "Get some escorts to bring his ship back. Bring him to me."

-Dib's POV-

I have no clue what Zim is up to now, but I need to go back home and get my injuries looked at. I don't trust any type of medical Zim might have. And besides, I need glasses, and some time to think. I was kidnapped after all and saw Zim without clothing one too many times. I began flying the pod towards Earth when I noticed I was being pursued. "Oh no, you don't, Zim," I muttered to myself as I sped up, Doing sporadic maneuvers to dodge and get away from the two pods.

I was in the clear when the power suddenly shut off. I smacked at the controls in anger when the two ships caught up with me. Both turned on their tractor beams and caught the free-floating pod. I knew Zim wasn't going to let me leave. I chuckled to myself. How annoying. Cute, but annoying.

When Sanity Is Lost: A ZaDr/Zim x Dib fanfic AUWhere stories live. Discover now