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General POV

As the sun rises, Amirul and Starise continued their journey until they found themselves in a town market. The problem is that they were being stared at by the people there for their peculiar clothes, especially Starise who is wearing a hijab. Not to mention Amirul who had short hair instead of long hair.

While they walked along the streets, Starise looked at this one stall that sells accessories and wants to take a look but she thought it will a waste of time and money for the two of them.

Amirul then looked at his sister, staring at the stall, and can't help but sighed. "Hey, Star. How 'bout we take look around? I'll buy some snacks while looking for some useful things for our journey. I'm sure that you want to take a look at those accessories, how's that sounds?" he asked her.

She looked at him and nodded. "Okay, I'll see you around 5 minutes." And quickly went to the stall while Amirul continued walking.

"Ah, welcome Young Miss! How can I help you?" asked the stall owner. Starise smiled at her and looked at the accessories that lay on the table. 'There's a lot to choose from,' she thought and picked up some accessories that she had laid her eyes on. Starise looked at the accessory that was in her hand and examined them.

Suddenly, a large shadow towers over her, and Starise turned around, only to see three, middle-aged men looking at her with lustful eyes and red faces. 'This smell... They're drunk, alright,' she frowned when she scented that strong smell of alcohol from one of the men.

The stall owner stepped back in fear of the three drunk men, hoping that they didn't destroy her stall while praying for Starise's safety.

"Is there something wrong, gentlemen? Do you need anything?" Starise calmly asked them and she was grabbed by her wrist. "Why yes of course, how 'bout you come with us, pretty little girl? Don't worry, we won't bite~" One of them said smugly while the other two grinned lecherously at Starise who frowned and tried to let her wrist free from the man's grasp. The commotion creates attention to the crowd, causing them to look at the scene.

"I'm sorry sir but I have to go now, so please let me go," she said with ease, making them glare at her. "We will treat you nicely!" He persists but that didn't convince Starise. The crowd looked at the scene, especially towards Starise with 'amazing' looking in their eyes. They were curious as to why she wasn't afraid of those drunk men and quickly made bets on who will win.

Starise was angry that people just watched her being harassed and knew that she has to do something before things get ugly. Suddenly, she felt a grope on her lower waist and that was her last straw. She roundhouse kicked him, making the man fall to the ground yelling in pain.

(Warning: Curse words up ahead!!)

"You b**ch!" She heard one of them shout and swiftly grabbed her balisong knife, and stabbed it on the ground, near the man's crotch. The other two looked at her with fear and started running away, leaving their friend.

"I said that I have to go but you didn't let me so I have no choice but to do that. Have you no shame of yourself for harassing a girl in public?" Said Starise with her face darkened, staring at the paled man like a predator looking at its prey.

This makes the whole crowd gasp in shock and fear at Starise's action. Then, they heard a clapping sound from behind and turned around, only to see a teenage boy who wears odd black and red garments smiling at Starise.

"Wow! Not bad, sis! I knew that you could do it!" Amirul cheered at her and walked toward her. "Amirul..." She looked at her brother who was glaring at the man on the ground.

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