Just before dawn the next day, Alula stumbles out of bed to prepare and pack the necessities for their journey. Munching an apple, they glance around their closet before pulling on a plain white button up blouse. They then continue to fashioning on a forest green corset that has intricate patterns sewn on in gold and pink thread, which had been made to match their wings. A long skirt that matches their corset is hurriedly thrown on afterwards along with short white frilled socks. Twenty minutes of bustling around the house later, their basket is filled with food and their inventory is packed with weapons, materials, and flowers. After sadly bidding goodbye to all the plants and animals residing at their little residence, Alula slips on a pair of brown boots and quietly heads out.
Alula travels consistently for about 4 hours, during that time finding a little pig which they name Circe after the goddess of pigs, and at one point almost crashing into the sea due to the wind blowing their wings array. Finally, at around early to mid-morning, Alula and Circe (the new power duo) decide to find a place to settle down and rest for a little. Circe stumbles onto a little cove and runs around oinking delightedly, though Alula is quite wary of this place. Hesitantly, they find a place to sit, Circe happily perching itself on their lap. Eating a loaf of bread from the basket for a snack, Alula surveys the glistening waters in front of them before spotting a little dot inching towards them on the waters.
"What on earth could that be?", Alula whispers, tilting their head comically far to the left. They glance down at Circe before gently nestling the little pig into the basket, and then grabbing the basket as they hop down from the rocks onto the soft sand.
After a few minutes of idly standing around waiting, Circe snorts before dashing out of the basket, towards the edge of the water. "Ci, wait up!!", shouts Alula while dropping the basket, before swiftly flying along the ground after the mischievous pig. They scoop up their companion before standing up and widening their eyes at the sight before them. A few feet away from them sat a little boat with a...human boy in it? Alula tilts their head again nervously, studying the creature to see if it matches the paintings of humans they have seen in books. Much had been said about humans in the past, stories of people who sought the blood of anyone who was unlike them. This human seemed rather different from those stories, with it being much shorter than Alula and much less dangerous too. After contemplating their choices, Alula flies across the water before landing cross-legged, hovering above the shallow water next to the boat.
"...Hi?", the boy says quite nervously. This action wasn't anything new to Alula though, they had long since got used to being a little different from everyone else.
"Hello there! It's a pleasure seeing you here! I'm Alula, but you can call me Lula if you'd like! My friend here is named Circe!", Alula, or now also known as Lula, exclaims excitedly, reaching out their hand for the other to shake and simultaneously gesturing at their pet pig. Any fear of the human seems to have dissipated, now replaced with a profound curiosity towards it.
"Hello Lula and Circe! I'm Tubbo", the boy says, shaking Alula's hand. "Why do you have wings?", he asks upfront.
Alula giggles at this,"It's nice to meet you Tubbo! I am not quite sure myself why I have wings, but I don't mind them!", Alula responds.
Before either of them can say another word, Circe slips out from Alula's grasp and jumps head first into the boat Tubbo is still sat in, earning much laughter from both Alula and Tubbo.
A little later, Tubbo offers to bring Alula and Circe to his residence, and in a flash Alula has retrieved their basket and sits eagerly in their own boat. Moments later Circe jumps from the other boat to this boat, immediately tipping it over, much to Tubbo's amusement.
And then they set off to the land Tubbo calls home.
704 words !
helo!! two cool new characters in this chapter!! i already am attached to circe <3 also tubbo makes his first appearance B)
lmk what u thought about this chapter! ^-^
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