Our story starts in a peaceful meadow outside a quaint cottage on a sunny afternoon, the fields swaying gently in the breeze. A seemingly young teen dances gracefully through the tall grass, finishing a stroll through the forest which lay just a short walk from the cottage. Two small rabbits hop through the grass, still making sure a path is cleared for the goddess like being trailing behind them. This being always seemed to attract others- wanted or not.
Alula, as this being went by, never went unnoticed, even at a first glance. Their delicate wings that protruded from their back accounted for a lot of this attention- how could a fairy be just like the humans, yet so different? Fairies have always been known for being humanoid creatures with wings, but their small size always brought to attention that they aren't really people. Alula though stood at the height of 5 feet- a giant compared to the fairies. Regardless, most regarded Alula as just a kind fellow who had it in their heart to help anyone in need.
But their wings- seemingly a white colour that always shone a gold or pink tint, depending on where the sun lay in the skies.
And their smile- just like the bright necklace they wear. So bright that the sun hides in shame in the day and the moon cowers in the night. So bright that when somebody looks at it, they shield their eyes but still stare. So bright that it sweeps away your worries.
Alula ran their long fingers through their short hair which they had cut into a mullet only a couple weeks prior. They chuckled at the thought of their friend Calybe, their dryad friend who had good naturally scolded them for chopping off their long brown hair which had previously gone down to their hips. Having long hair was a bother though as it always got in the way of doing things- it was quite overrated, as Alula put it.
As the sun starts tipping down, Alula finally skips into their abode, though not before kindly greeting each of their many pets. As they prepare dinner of the vegetables freshly picked from the garden, Alula thinks of what had been heard spoken in the wind two days before- what had it meant when it said that the oh so needed peace everyone maintained would be disturbed?
Plating the vegetables, out of curiosity Alula decides that the next day they will venture out to see if they can be of any help in resolving this supposed break of peace. Nodding contently at this decision, Alula eats their dinner quietly before settling in for the night.
447 words !
ah the very first chapter !!!! kinda short but it was just for some background information about the character !! let me know your thoughts :-)
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