Cafe boy

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Today was going normal like always in the cafe Jimin owned, some nice costumers, rude customers, and in a hurry costumers. Jimin was exhausted from working and dealing with all of the rude customers. He was waiting and being impatient to go home and see his cute little daughter Jihan and Yeonjun the boy he took in because of his abusive parents.

Jimin met Yeonjun an hour before closing his cafe. He looked out the glass door and saw Yeonjun is turning nineteen in three months. Yeonjun starring at the desserts, with a hungry look. Jimin had called him into the cafe and asked him what he would like to order, but Yeonjun refused because he didn't have enough money.

Jimin didn't care about the money, all he cared about was to feed the hungry boy. So he gave him three slices of corn bread and made him hot chocolate to drink. While Yeonjun was eating, Jimin sat with him and chatted with him. Yeonjun felt comfortable talking to Jimin. He told Jimin why he at his cafe at that time of hour.

After hearing Yeonjuns' story, Jimin encouraged Yeonjun to go with him to the police to report what his parents have done to him. Turns out, his parents had started to abuse him two years ago, when they had started to fall in debt, so they were releasing their stress onto Yeonjun physically.

Yeonjun was going to be put into an orphanage but Jimin volunteered to be his foster parent. Ever since then Yeonjun has been living with Jimin for a almost three years and four months. Jimin treats him like his younger brother, he never excluded from anything, like family outings, eating together, surprise presents, and each year on Yeonjuns birthday, Jimin would throw a small birthday party, not smaller or bigger than his daughters birthday party he had made. The birthday part always includes, house decorations, a homemade cake by Jimin, dancing and singing together, and having all the fun in the world just by celebrating together.

Jimin never forgot him in anything, either be it the things he needs or doesn't need, making time for Yeonjun when he wants to talk. Jimin didn't consider Yeonjun anything less than a family. He loved Yeonjun as much as he loved Jihan.

Jihan is Jimin's three years old daughter. She doesn't have a mother. Her mother left her months after she was born, because she cheated on Jimin and was always careless in taking care of Jihan. Her mother was Rose.

Jimin and Rose were in a positive relationship. They loved each other. Rose and Jimin had been together since sophomore Highschool year. There relationship was unbreakable. They went to college together, but Jimin had to drop and work because he found out Rose was pregnant with his child. He wanted to provide for his unborn baby and girlfriend.

Months passed and Jihan was born, and that's when their relationship started to change. They'd always get into fights over the smallest problem. Over time the problems between Rose and Jimin started to grow. Jimin stayed longer hours at work, so he can gain more money to buy his family's needs and wants. Rose would leave Jihan home alone, not caring what would happen to her daughter. Sometimes she'd leave her on the couch while she'd go to another room to talk to her friends. When Jimin found out about how she's treating their daughter, he got furious and got into in an argument with her. But Rose couldn't careless.

Rose started to leave Jihan with Jimin at the cafe that he opened a month ago, to go out with her friends in the excuse of having something "important" to do. She started to get mad at the stupidest things like Jihan crying at night and would yell at her baby for crying, or when Jimin would come late home and Rose would complain about her not going out and feeling like a prisoner.

One day, Jimin came back home to see Rose sleeping with a man in their bed while Jihan was in the living room floor crying, while her baby blanket covered her face. Jimin was beyond furious. Rose confessed that she has been with that man after Jihan turned a month old.
Jimin felt broken, frustrated, and betrayed by the women he loved with his heart. He broke up with Rose and took custody of Jihan. Rose chose to go and live with the man she has been cheating on Jimin with. Jimin lost faith in love, he lost faith in trusting people. The only people he trusts and has trust that his daughter is safe with, are his dongsaeng Choi Yeonjun and his hyung Jung Hoseok that are also his coworkers.

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