Chapter one: The bite of 87

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Angel pov:

(Prepare your feels already)

This is soooo exciting!!! Finally my friend Sam is turning 7, I just need some months to catch him again, but Mike is bigger than me… he is 10!! I will never catch him :C but I don’t mind, if he is bigger he can protect me from the bully’s that are always somewhere near our apartment.

We finally get to the famous place: Freddy Fazbear Pizzeria with animatronics and a lot of fun!! I and mike come immediately to find Sam. He was sitting in a table eating pizza surrounded by his other friends, some were just running around, some were playing with the animatronics.

Suddenly I notice that a bunch of children run to the pirate cove and sit down in floor next to the curtains, I get scared when mike yelled in my ear “YEAH, Foxy will get out of the curtains in five minutes!!! Com on Angel!!”

I was just standing there when mike Leave me, I wasn’t a very social girl, and I was really shy. I was now even more nervous when I notice that the bully’s from near our apartment where in the party too.

“Come on sweetie, go to see Foxy with Mike” said my mother noticing that something was scaring me and making me feel anxious.

I just nod with the head and mumbled something before trying to get near the pirate cove without the bully’s noticing me…

I tried to run to where Mike was sit, but my bad luck make me crash with the bully that I hate the most and that hate’s ME the most.

“Hey guys, look what I found here” He said with a fake smile in his face ready to just say a bunch of bad things at my ears “I’m so sorry Randy, please just leave me alone, I want to go see mike!”

“Well, I don’t really think so” He said in my face. I couldn’t fight Randy, he was 9, just mike can fight him for me but he is still waiting Foxy to get out.

“Guys” Randy said to the rest of the gang with a playful grin that even scared me for what was going to happen to me. The rest nod to make him see that they knew what was about to happen “Could you please get this lady to the backroom?” I knew what was about to happened, they were going to trapped me in that scary place. I look everywhere to see someone. My parents were talking with Sam’s mother, Mike was waiting for Foxy, Sam was eating pizza in that table, a bunch of children were hiding me from adults, the only one that was seeing what was happening was a kid of a big green sweeter and blue jeans that looked like my age, but he wasn’t going to interfere…

“Come on lady” Randy said taking my hand and taking me near the backroom, I can’t believe that no one is seeing this.

“Please Randy!! I don’t want to be there! Is scary!! Please!!” I yelled in horror when I see the blue door that got a cartel that says ‘Backroom’, I start trying to get myself out by myself, I know that the last boy that was trapped there, wasn’t found until 3 days later! I’m scared…

I don’t want this…

“Hey…stop that” suddenly I heard a male voice coming from behind me and Randy, we both turn around at the same time and see that same boy with green sweeter was behind the boys and trying to stop them, I don’t even know this guy… Why would he want to defend me?

“And what are you going to do about that tough boy?” The others laugh ate the small boy that was trying to defend me.

“W-Well…I-I…mhh…” The boy try to answer, until I heard another voice “You let this two go or I’ll promise Randy that the next one in the back room will be you!” Mike come from behind the boy and defend us two.

(Jeremike) *Everyone is out to get us*Where stories live. Discover now