Chapter 2: The past hurt

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(Have this chapter now :D)

Mike pov

“I’m so sorry Cloe but this isn’t working” I said to my girlfriend of red hair and brown honey eyes, I never see her and I feel that this relationship isn’t working because of that “But Mike, I promise, I will be there, I promise you that things will change…!!” I was tired of her excuses I just answer “Stop Cloe, I don’t want this anymore. I’m sorry” I just walked away of my ex and come inside of the demon pizzeria I work in.

I hate this pizzeria so much, but if I dare to change a job, the day I try to found another, I will be broken and I won’t find any more jobs in two days. Maybe in like a Week or something like that, but I will be without money that week, so I have to still be working at fuckboy’s…

“Hey Mike, come here for a second!” Boss told me to come to his office, probably he’ll get rid of me, he found another worker to get this day and I can go home, or there’s another idiot in the night shift…wait…please that idiot, don’t be me…!

“What’s up boss?, did someone come for the night shift?” I asked taking the idea of that being me out of my head, I put my hand in my short black hair trying not to look nervous, but the hell I am!

“Don’t worry Mike, I know what you’re thinking and you’re not going to take the night shift, and anyone has come here for the job, today we put the job on the newspaper, so we are hoping that someone come for the job, now Mike, Fritz will take you’re place today so you can go and take a day, since like a month that I don’t give you one…so just go.” He told me. I was really relieved but a little scared for the idiot that could take this job, they must be really stupid, really desperate or really scared if someone wants to take the job.

Suddenly I heard a door open and a young boy enter the building…

Jeremy pov

“DON’T YOU FUCKING DARE TO TALK TO ME LIKE THAT!!” My now drunk father yelled to me when I asked him if I could go for a walk “But I didn’t-” Suddenly I feel how he slapped in the face and throw both of my shoes at me, I avoid them and try to run to the door, but my father catch me and throw me to the floor “Dad…Plea-” He didn’t let me finish because he kicked me right on my stomach. “FINE, GO FOR YOU’R FUCKING WALK YOU SAD EXCUSE FOR A SON!!”

I just stand up and fast go to the door, suddenly I heard a yell from my dad “HEY FUCKER, GO TO GET A JOB OR I’LL LEAVE YOU IN THE STREETS TO DIE!” and then he closed the door at my face…

I walk slowly through the streets passing next to some houses with happy families, kind fathers and loved children’s… I just feel horrible because we were a happy family…until the bite of 87 happened… I remember my mother that was lost by Chica and that my new friends, Mike and Angel, were lost in the incident…I don’t even know what animatronic killed them… that’s all they told me…

I get slowly into the park that was near my house and that hell of pizzeria… suddenly I notice a men sit in a bench reading a newspaper. Then the men find a girl that was calling him, the two leave without the newspaper, so I just sit on the bench next to the newspaper and just start thinking…I just want a friend… I want my mom back… I was shivering because it was really cold outside… suddenly I tough of when my father was good to me, he told me stories, he sang to me, but he was almost always on the job…



I grab the newspaper running through its pages until something call my attention…Freddy Fazbear pizzeria looking for a security guard for the night shift… until 6AM… this can work… maybe I can be friends with the day shift guards and finally have friends later of 12 years!

(Jeremike) *Everyone is out to get us*Where stories live. Discover now