Chapter 4: I need revenge...

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omg, that scary title O.o, but anyways! sorry if I'm taking a lot to update! School isn't the best thing for me right now, but the last week, it rain eally hard in my city, in wich never rain, so we have the week free and I could do this! forgive me if it's short for so long time! but I really take effort into my story!. anyways, thanks for 100 reads! now let's get to the story!

Mike pov’s

I hug Angel trying to comfort her, I knew how being really angry could feel… after all, I felt like that in the day of the bite of 87…


I tried to run between the people that were looking for each other, mothers hugging their crying child’s trying to get the trauma away of them, but what we all have already saw can’t be borrowed from our minds…

Especially for me, I saw the bite in front of my eyes, and being a victim too isn’t something to be proud of, I keep running trying to find my family, Angel and Jeremy. They can’t be death… right?




I start walking around and panting for like five minutes of running, the police were coming to the scene and policeman’s with guns come running inside the pizzeria, I saw that deaths were cause that day, the first person that come out on one of those hospital beds was Sam, his frontal lobe was off his body and his head was bleeding heavily, his breathing was slow and calm, what means that he is still alive, but I still think that he won’t survive another day..

I was really scared, I couldn’t deny it… I run behind the man’s taking Sam away and tried to stop them, please don’t take him away from me...

“Hey! Kid let go off me!” The man yelled at me with an anger face, I started crying for the panic reaching my veins in that moment… “I…I… I-I need h-help…” I made it to stutter something that someone could hear.

The man change his face to a kind one and come closer to me, he put his hand on my shoulder and whisper enough loud for me to hear “Don’t worry kid, it will be fine, Just… I don’t have time right now, go look for one of my partners, they’ll help you” He run away yelling somethings of Sam’s condition, I just wanted to find my family and go back home, were everything will be calm again and no animatronics will be chasing us.

I keep walking around the place but not too further to see the door, the next person to get out was Randy’s brother, he wasn’t breathing and the rest of the people around him were trying to keep him alive, his heartbeat was really slow and he was losing it, behind the group of mans, was Randy and his mother, both were crying loudly and hugging each other, I couldn’t say that the boy deserve it, even if he was a bully to my sister, no one deserve to lose someone this important at this age.

The next person was a women, a young women that I didn’t knew, but she was dying slowly too, but then I remember who she was, she was Jeremy’s mother, I saw him with his mom moments before we all meet, and then Jeremy come behind her crying, they take him in the car and get him away from me, from my life. But I wasn’t going to give up jet…

I start running around for Angel and my parents, ‘They must be around here somewhere…’ I keep repeating in my head so I believe the lie that they were going to be ok, but then I heard it…

“Two persons are left… a marriage… yes they’re both dead… we supposed that they have children, but we don’t know where they are… We should look for them?! But we don’t even know their names! ... Yes… Yeah, ok, we will do that, thanks for the advice sir…”

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01, 2015 ⏰

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